
September 4, 2008 spout writing

Programming WPF goes into 3rd printing

Get ’em while they’re hot...

March 22, 2008 spout writing

Nobody Knows Shoes: The Book — Pure Genius!

I friend of mine dropped a book with a funny cover in my lap and said, “Hey, check this out.” I threw it on my pile and didn’t get back to it for a...

March 3, 2008 spout writing

Programming WPF: “Programming Book of the Decade”


February 21, 2008 spout writing

Programming WPF enters 2nd printing!

Wahoo! You love us, you really love us! : ) When a book goes to another printing, 100% of the time, there’s a list of “errata” (aka “mistakes”) that...

February 20, 2008 spout writing

Bridging object models: the faux-object idiom

My 1997 master’s thesis came online today (he says, trying not to flinch). Here’s the abstract: Microsoft’s Component Object Model (COM) is the...

January 17, 2008 spout writing

Bookscan says “Programming WPF” is #3 .NET book!


January 8, 2008 spout writing

WPF Book Easter Egg


January 6, 2008 spout writing

The Annotated Turing!

re-publishing the paper that started computer science and annotating it...

January 4, 2008 spout writing

“So easy to read, it should be illegal”


November 26, 2007 spout writing

C# 3.0 in a Nutshell, LINQPad and Pure Genius

I absolutely love what the Albahari brothers (Joe & Ben) have done with C# 3.0 in a Nutshell. Not only is their prose concise in a way that mine is...

October 19, 2007 spout writing

Fun With GridView*RowPresenter

I was searching for advanced WPF tree samples the other day and ran into the tree-list-view sample: Notice how the left-most column does the...

August 28, 2007 spout writing

“Programming WPF” (finally) shipping!

John Osborn of O’Reilly and Associates had this to say in my morning email: “Congratulations, guys. The book is printed and shipping! Just got my...

August 17, 2007 spout writing

How to write a book - the short honest truth


August 14, 2007 spout writing

“How you doin’?”

I wanted to figure out how to emit a new CLR type at run-time using Reflection.Emit and Google revealed the following article: Generating Code at...

July 17, 2007 spout writing

Programming WPF, 2e (RTM Edition) on Amazon!

Buy your copy today! : ) P.S. I read the QC1 (Quality Check 1), all 859 pages of it, in two solid days this weekend. I found a bunch of nits, all of...

May 28, 2007 spout writing

Why do we pick on journalism majors, so?

Here’s another one: For example, if we had had a background in journalism, we might have used one-based indexing instead of zero-based indexing...

May 28, 2007 spout writing

Sometimes I crack myself up

I forgot until the copy edit review process that I’d dropped this gem into a footnote: On August 4th, 1997, the world’s oldest person so far,...

April 29, 2007 spout writing

On becoming an empty nester…

I submitted the final manuscript for Programming WPF, 2nd edition, by Ian Griffiths and Chris Sells to O’Reilly and Associates this morning for...

April 29, 2007 spout writing

Glyn Griffiths: Ian’s Dad and Damn Fine Reviewer

This was an email I sent to Glyn Griffiths, the final external reviewer on the WPF 2ed book before we submitted the final manuscript for copy edit...

April 16, 2007 spout writing

My Foreword To ChrisAn’s “Essential WPF”

Now that Chris Anderson’s most excellent Essential Windows Presentation Foundation has transitioned to the physical world, I thought I’d share my...

April 14, 2007 spout writing

Best WPF Resources?

I’d like to provide a list of the best WPF resources, including real-world apps, free web resources, SDK docs, samples, blogs, etc. If you’ve got...

March 10, 2007 spout writing

Programming WPF: Rough Cuts

WPFread the chapters as we write them...

January 21, 2007 spout writing

Boogers and My Writing Process

I’m supposed to be writing today, but John (my eldest son) is also doing some writing as part of his homework. However, after watching him struggle...

September 5, 2006 spout writing

Congrats To Mr. Petzold on this WPF Review

In the world of Windows technical writing which has so much competition, there’s rarely any money involved, one dreams for reviews like these from...

August 15, 2006 spout writing

$33 On Bookpool: Windows Forms 2.0 Programming

Windows Forms 2.0 Programming: only $33...

August 13, 2006 spout writing

Get ’Em While They’re Hot

Even though the 1st printing was just in May of this year, Windows Forms 2.0 Programming just entered the 2nd printing. Thanks for reading...

August 11, 2006 spout writing

We Sold A Copy of ATL Internals!

You said it couldn’t be done, but ATL Internals, 2e, has a review! Thanks, W...

July 30, 2006 spout writing

Custom Settings Provider in .NET 2.0


July 23, 2006 spout writing

An Embarrassment of WPF Riches

I just realized that Avalon is getting a book treatment unlike any other topic in my memory: “Essential WPF,” by Chris Anderson, architect on the...

June 27, 2006 spout writing

When to ship a book is hard to know these days…

Mr. Petzold beat me to the punch on the Windows Forms 2.0 book and he’s going to do it again on the RTM Avalon book. However, such a thing is dicey,...

May 22, 2006 spout writing

Post an Amazon review and you get my royalties

Update: Whoops — didn’t think of the ways to abuse this system. I’ve updated the offer here. If you post a legitimate review on Amazon for Windows...

May 19, 2006 spout writing

WinForms 2.0 book @ the printer

The one where the brothers Sells and I travel to Ann Arbor, MI to see Windows Forms 2.0 Programming being printed. It’s well worth the trip, if you...

May 12, 2006 spout writing

A C# Bedtime Story Updated for C# 2.0

Seeing a reference to A C# Bedtime Story as a generic definition for .NET delegates in a recent DDJ article inspired me to post the new and improved...

May 9, 2006 spout writing

ATL Internals, 2e, available for pre-order

ATL Internals, 2e, this time with ATL 8, is available for pre-order on Amazon.com. For those wondering what the world needs with such a book, I...

April 18, 2006 spout writing

WinForms 2.0 book just about ready

Mike and I submitted our last round of comments to the WinForms 2.0 book last night. The way it works is, after we submit the “final” manuscript,...

January 31, 2006 spout writing

Japanese version of Avalon book

the Japanese version of our WPF booklove...

January 31, 2006 spout writing

Pre-order “Windows Forms 2.0 Programming”

“Windows Forms 2.0 Programming,”...

January 16, 2006 spout writing

A Toast to WPF

Here’s a review you don’t get very often: “Your WPF book is excellent. So good that I actually chose to read it instead of watching in flight...

January 12, 2006 spout writing

Survey: The Future of Publishing

Karen Gettman, my editor at Addison-Wesley, called and asked me a bunch of questions about the future of publishing yesterday. After our discussion,...

December 29, 2005 spout writing

Dirty Publishing Secret: Indexes Suck

I hate to say it, but indexes are the one place where I skimp when writing a book. I go round and round on sentence structure, figures, story, flow,...

December 16, 2005 spout writing

Windows Forms 2.0 Book Samples Posted

Mike did some last minute clean-up and checked in the files, so I’ve uploaded the code sample for the Windows Forms 2.0 book. Enjoy...

December 16, 2005 spout writing

Windows Forms Programming 2005 in C# Submitted!

I packaged off the final chapters, figures and PDF files for submission of the WinForms 2.0 book this morning. Michael made it easy by fixing all...

October 8, 2005 spout writing

Wise Advice from Tyler Brown

someone so obviously intelligent...

September 26, 2005 spout writing

Programming WPF Samples & Change Notes Posted

Herethe b1 and Sept (PDC) CTP samples and change notes for Programming Windows Presentation FoundationPDCCTP...

September 18, 2005 spout writing

Please Post Reviews of Avalon Book

our Avalon bookplease please please post a review on Amazon.com...

September 15, 2005 spout writing

WPF Book Sold Out Again, More Coming on Friday

order them onlinethe gift of knowledge...

September 14, 2005 spout writing

Programming WPF: Sold Out @ the PDC, More Coming

All of the initial copies of Programming the Windows Presentation Foundation have been sold out at the PDC. That’s a double edged sword, of course....

June 13, 2005 spout writing

Love Reviewers; Hate Reviews

I took a quick glance at some reviewer feedback for the Avalon book and already I’m trying hard not to hate the folks that send it in. Mean, hateful...

May 30, 2005 spout writing

URLs in the Footnotes?

Here’s a question for folks. Right now, the 1st edition of the WinForms book has several footnotes like the following that include URLs: “The...

April 24, 2005 spout writing

Status of ATL Internals 2e

More people than you’d expect have been asking, so here’s an update on ATL Internals 2e. This effort actually started in 2003, when Kirk Fertita...

April 24, 2005 spout writing

Status on Windows Forms Programming 2e

Jose “heard” that I’m working on an update for the first edition of Windows Forms Programming in C# for Windows Forms 2.0 (we’re not updating the...

October 11, 2004 spout writing

All The Fun, Half the UK Price

the UK Amazon is having a 1/2 price sale on my Windows Forms bookUKUS...

October 7, 2004 spout writing

You Too Can Be A Technical Writer!

HereThe one where I outline every technical piece I’ve ever written...

June 30, 2004 spout writing

#1 Windows Forms Book

HereI toot my own horn much less subtly than usual...

June 6, 2004 spout writing

MikeDub On Solving An Instance of Writer’s Block

It has been my pleasure to spend the last 2+ years writing with Mike Wienhardt. I remember fondly his first piece. When I give feedback, I work very...

May 28, 2004 spout writing

Great Minds…

HereI love Luke’s RSS Aggregator [1]. He loves my book. For what more could a man ask? [1] I just tried the lastest RSS Bandit — don’t get me started…...

April 29, 2004 spout writing

Safe, Even Simpler Multithreading in Windows Forms

threading in Windows Forms by illustrating the BackgroundWorker component from Windows Forms 2.0...

April 26, 2004 spout writing

Marc Clifton is a Prolific SOB

I first heard about Marc Clifton on his work with MyXaml, a declarative UI language that shares a name and some principles with the XAML declarative...

April 21, 2004 spout writing

What’s New in Windows Forms 2.0

what’s new and cool in Windows Forms 2.0MSDN...

April 10, 2004 spout writing

I’m Loving the .NET Fx ARM

HereThe one where I learn a bunch of interesting stuff reading all of the annotations from The .NET Framework Standard Library Annotated Reference...

March 10, 2004 spout writing

WinForms Programming in C# 3rd Printing Ships

HereI find it unbelievable that after umpteen books, I finally seem to have blended quality with quantity as the C# version of my WinForms book...

February 29, 2004 spout writing

Suggestions for WinForms Programming 2/e

HereMy co-author for the 2nd edition of Windows Forms Programming, Michael Weinhardt, doesn’t have enough to do to with the new features in Whidbey...

February 22, 2004 spout writing

Adding Ref-Counting to Rotor

HereWell, I can’t put it off any longer. I wanted to wait ’til Chris Tavares and I were able to figure out what the problem was, but after months of...

October 23, 2003 spout writing

MSDN Wants You


October 20, 2003 spout writing

ASP Alliance reviews WinForms Programming in C#


October 20, 2003 spout writing

Every Vain Author’s Best Friend


October 10, 2003 spout writing

Amazon giving 30% off WinForms Programming in C#


October 9, 2003 spout writing

Nice WinForms Reviews in the Blogesphere


September 29, 2003 spout writing

Creating Doc-Centric Apps in WinForms, part 1 of 3


September 29, 2003 spout writing

A *royalty* check from Pearson!


September 12, 2003 spout writing

“Move over Petzold, Sells is here.”


September 2, 2003 spout writing

Holy Cow!


September 2, 2003 spout writing

Windows Forms Programming in C# Sample Chapter


September 2, 2003 spout writing



September 2, 2003 spout writing

Book of the Week at ASPExperts.com


August 29, 2003 spout writing

Windows Forms Programming in C# on Shelves


August 21, 2003 spout writing

VS.NET 2003 + Mastering VS.NET


June 11, 2003 spout writing

.NET Rocks Interview — Chris Sells (Again!)


June 2, 2003 spout writing

MSDN Article: No Touch Deployment
