Another One Bites the Dust!
Welcome to Microsoft, Scott Hanselman...
Welcome to Microsoft, Scott Hanselman...
Buy your copy today! : ) P.S. I read the QC1 (Quality Check 1), all 859 pages of it, in two solid days this weekend. I found a bunch of nits, all of...
Windows Home Service RTM shippedRTM...
A friend of mine is going for an Microsoft interview next week and he IM’d me asking for any “unpublished tips” for interviewing at MS (apparently...
Shawn WildermuthGenghis to CodePlex...
After raving about Microsoft Surface, I get a personal invitation from Robert Levy, a PM on the Surface SDK team to come take a look. Robert’s job...
I was really loving my T-Mobile Wing with WM6, Pocket Office, external micro-SD slot, slamming keyboard, beautiful ClearType display, one-handed...
the new Palm Foleo““...