
January 4, 2015 .net spout

Handling Orientation Changes in Xamarin.Forms Apps

By default, Xamarin.Forms handles orientation changes for you automatically, e.g. Xamarin.Forms handles orientation changes automatically In this...

January 2, 2015 .net spout

Launching the Native Map App from Xamarin.Forms

My goal was to take the name and address of a place and show it on the native map app regardless of what mobile platform on which my app was...

January 1, 2015 .net spout

App and User Settings in Xamarin.Forms Apps

Settings allow you to separate the parameters that configure the behavior of your app separate from the code, which allows you to change that...

November 26, 2011 tools .net

REPL for the Rosyln CTP 10/2011

I don’t know what it is, but I’ve long been fascinated with using the C# syntax as a command line execution environment. It could be that PowerShell...

May 23, 2010 .net

Spurious MachineToApplication Error With VS2010 Deployment

Often when I’m building my MVC 2 application using Visual Studio 2010, I get the following error: It is an error to use a section registered as...

April 5, 2010 .net

The performance implications of IEnumerable vs. IQueryable

It all started innocently enough. I was implementing a “Older Posts/Newer Posts” feature for my new web site and was writing code like this: The...

February 7, 2010 .net

Data Binding, Currency and the WPF TreeView

I was building a little WPF app to explore a hierarchical space (OData, if you must know), so of course, I was using the TreeView. And since I’m a...

February 6, 2008 .net

.NET Source Code Mass Downloader

On 1/16/08, Microsoft announced the ability to download some of the .NET Framework source code for debugging. This download process was only...

December 26, 2007 .net

Microsoft needs you to build Emacs.Net

Drop Doug a line...

August 17, 2007 .net

Duck Typing for .NET!

a duck typing library for .NETNET...

May 6, 2007 .net

Lutz’s Silverlight 1.1 Alpha Samples

some of his .NET code to use the Silverlight 1.1 alpha...

April 16, 2007 .net

WPF/E == Silverlight

If you haven’t already heard about Microsoft’s new high fidelity, cross-platform application development platform, you just haven’t been paying...

February 1, 2007 .net

The Potential of WPF/E

Savas turned me onto an amazing WPF/E application. I don’t speak the language of the web site, but the screenshot on Savas’s site is worth a look…...

January 30, 2007 .net

WPF XBAP App: British Library Books Online

“The British Library is one of the world’s leading libraries and the national library of the United Kingdom. By charter, it holds a copy of every...

January 26, 2007 .net

API Usability

Don has a piece up about something that I’ve always called “API Usability.” The idea when building libraries is to write client code first against...

December 4, 2006 .net

XAML Design Tools from Microsoft

If you’re a designer looking for XAML design tools, and you’re a designer type (you know — beret, turtle neck, a wardrobe that extends beyond jeans...

December 4, 2006 .net

Holy Cow! An Entire WPF/E DevCenter!

I expected eventually to get a WPF/E (Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere) download or two, but these guys went crazy; they just released an...

November 7, 2006 .net

.NET Framework 3.0 (aka WinFX) Has Shipped!

After a monumental amount of work, the .NET Framework 3.0 has been completed! It ships out of the box in Vista, but for down level clients (Windows...

October 6, 2006 .net

WPF: Enabling Crimes Against Nature in a Good Way

My friend Jeff asked me to do a terrible thing yesterday: “How do I show a form in the popup window that a menu shows?” I said, “Dude! Don’t do that...

October 1, 2006 .net

Sept CTP of .NET 3.0

The CTPs are coming so fast and so furious now that I nearly missed the September 2006 .NET Framework 3.0 CTP: Release Notes .NET Framework SDK...

September 7, 2006 .net

.NET 3.0 RC1 Download

This one should be about done: .NET 3.0 RC1 Release Notes .NET 3.0 RC1 Framework Components .NET 3.0 RC1 SDK .NET 3.0 RC1 VS05 Tools (including...

August 13, 2006 .net

WPF Security in 14 Points and Some Extra Words

a nice summary to get you started down the road to WPF ClickOnce deployment...

July 30, 2006 .net

On W*F Integration Samples

As you may or may not recall, Doug Purdy and I had some trouble at the last PDC getting Avalon (WPF) and Indigo (WCF) to work together. To save...

June 12, 2006 .net

WinFX + .NET 2.0 Renamed .NET 3.0

WinFX (.NET 2.0 + W*F)is .NET 3.0...

May 25, 2006 .net

WinFX Beta 2

Beta 2 signals the beginning of the final drive towards RTM for WinFX: Readme Runtime Components SDK VS05 Extensions for Avalon and Indigo VS05...

February 22, 2006 .net

Feb06 CTP of WinFX

The February ’06 WinFX CTP cometh: WinFX RC February CTP Readme WinFX Runtime Components Windows SDK Visual Studio Community Technology Preview -...

January 6, 2006 .net

Larry O’Brien on WPF

Suddenly, I think Larry O’Brien is smart: “The book, in this case, is Chris Sells and Ian Griffiths’ ‘Programming Windows Presentation Foundation.’...

December 20, 2005 .net

MSDN Mag: Top Ten UI Breakthroughs In WPF

It goes without saying that MSDN Magazine doesn’t let the authors pick the titles (who can forget Don’s The Active Template Library Makes Building...

December 7, 2005 .net

Updated WPF book code samples for Nov CTP

Here“Programming Windows Presentation Foundation”CTP...

November 21, 2005 .net

WinFX November 2005 CTP

You’ve probably seen this by now, but I thought I’d post the WinFX Nov05 CTP-related links together in a spot where I could find them later. In...

November 11, 2005 .net

WPF: Handling Button.Click or defining a command?

If I’ve got an Avalon Button, e.g. Should I give the button a name so I can handle the event (I would never put the event handler directly in the...

November 4, 2005 .net

WinFX in the BackRow

“Check it out...

October 24, 2005 .net

WF Activity Context

Heremore WF activity instances than I expect...

October 24, 2005 .net

Typed WF Communications Details

HereThe one where I finally figure out how to get wca integrated with my WF VS projects in a sane way...

October 13, 2005 .net

How is “workflow” different from “visual programming?”


October 11, 2005 .net

What interests you about Windows Workflow Foundation?


October 9, 2005 .net

John Gossman on Model/View/ViewModel

John Gossman, architect on the Sparkle team, has just made a post about how Sparkle uses data binding to hook up the view of the data to the data...

September 11, 2005 .net

WinFX Hearts

To further drive home the point that I am not a graphic artist, Adam Nathan has posted his Avalon port of network Hearts. Wow...

July 12, 2005 .net

Amazing XAML Tool: Adobe Illustrator -> XAML

an amazing Adobe Illustrator to XAML conversion toolthe eye candy pagedamn good...

May 29, 2005 .net

IanG Builds a Real Magnifying Glass in Avalon

Ian has implemented a working magnifying glass in Avalon...

May 23, 2005 .net

Avalon + Indigo Beta 1 Release Candidate

Today Microsoft has published the release candidate of Avalon and Indigo Beta 1. The most interesting features of this release over the CTP releases...

May 11, 2005 .net

More Better Avalon Sparklines

Sean Gerety has updated his Avalon sparklines implementation, producing good news, bad news and more good news: good news: the sparklines...

May 4, 2005 .net

Animating Avalon Card Control Library


April 11, 2005 .net

ZAM 3D: A 3D XAML Tool for Avalon

Wow. This looks really cool. [from Mike Swanson]...

April 8, 2005 .net

Indigo Software Design Review Online

Gene Webb, Microsoft developer evangelist, has posted the recorded LiveMeeting Indigo SDR (Software Design Review) dry-run videos and slides. And as...

April 2, 2005 .net

Omri pulls a Julia Andrews on Indigo

sing a few bars of “These are a few of my favorite things” to the tune of Indigo...

March 31, 2005 .net

Avalon is changing my thinking…

HereThis application demonstrates the two things I’m finding that Avalon has changed about my thinkingXAMLUIwhathow...

March 30, 2005 .net

The *Official* Place for Avalon and Indigo Bugs!

Avalon and Indigo CTPs“the MSDN Product Feedback CenterAPI...

March 28, 2005 .net

Steve Maine on Indigo Duplex Contracts

Brain.Save()the description of a set of duplex contracts in Indigo...

March 25, 2005 .net

March Avalon/Indigo CTP Available for Public Download

It took a coupla days more than we wanted ’cuz I was fighting with some internal tools, but the March 2005 Avalon/Indigo CTP is available for public...

March 21, 2005 .net

Chris Anderson’s AvPad for the March CTP


March 15, 2005 .net

Smart Client Offline Application Block Demo

a nice video demo of putting the Smart Client Offline Application Block to use...

March 15, 2005 .net

Updater Application Block v2.0 Released

what’s new in the Updater Application Block 2.0the new Enterprise Library on GDN...

March 11, 2005 .net

Need More Chris Anderson? Don’t We All?

If you’re not getting enough Chris Anderson in your diet (and who is?!?), check out these two new interviews: ServerSide.NET TechTalk: Chris...

March 10, 2005 .net

New Community Web Site: XAML.net


March 7, 2005 .net

Day of Indigo Videos from VSLive

Did you miss the Microsoft’s Day of Indigo at VSLive? Have no fear — you can trade your personal details for free access to the entire day of videos...

March 3, 2005 .net

MS Survey: Partial Trust and Code Access Security

NETCASNETCAStake this surveymy initial set of No-Touch Deployment complaints...

March 1, 2005 .net

Clemens Weekend with Indigo

Clemens Vasters, international man of mystery, has given up his normal weekend activities of partying and espionage to give us three pieces...

February 28, 2005 .net

Let MS make sure your .NET 1.x app run on .NET 2.0

Assuming you don’t have the luxury of dipping the machines your .NET 1.x applications run on in Lucite, you are going to have to make sure that your...

February 28, 2005 .net

2D and 3D Chess for Nov. ’04 Avalon CTP

2D and 3D Avalon ChessCTP...

February 21, 2005 .net

The Convergence of Documents Media and Application

Ron DeSerranno, founder and CEO of Mobiform, a company that’s been busy building Avalon and XAML tools since the October 2003 PDC, is giving a talk...

February 18, 2005 .net

Building a Tabbed Browser with Windows Forms 2.0

build a tabbed browser using Internet Explorer...

February 18, 2005 .net

What’s New in the VS05 Toolbox for Windows Apps

“the new controls slated for Windows Forms 2.0...

February 16, 2005 .net

Building Extensible Windows Forms Applications

Another hot topic among Windows Forms programmers is extensibility: Add run-time functionality to your application by providing a plug-in...

February 16, 2005 .net

Windows Forms Threading Techniques

It seems that there are any number of ways to do multi-threading in Windows Forms. Here are some of the interesting techniques: Give Your...

February 16, 2005 .net

Windows Metafile to Avalon XAML Conversion

Cristian Civera, a Microsoft .NET MVP, has posted a preview of a tool to convert Windows Enhanced Metafiles, an existing vector graphics file...

February 16, 2005 .net

Joe’s Codeless Avalon XAML Samples Updated

updated his famous XAML-only Avalon samplesCTP...

February 14, 2005 .net

Fear, Uncertainty and Longhorn

Robert Scoble has some stuff to say about Avalon, Indigo, Longhorn and packaging. Enjoy...

February 14, 2005 .net

VSLive in Vegas Has “SmartClient Live”

The Las Vegas edition of VSLive (May 8-11, 2005) will include smart client coverage: “SmartClient Live! - Pragmatic and practical advice on smart...

February 12, 2005 .net

Service Contracts in Indigo

the basics of specifying a service contract in Indigo...

February 10, 2005 .net

Smart Client Patterns & Practices Survey

“The Smart Client Team at Microsoft patterns & practices needs your feedback to evaluate the need of guidance for devices based Smart Clients...

February 10, 2005 .net

Indigo Day: Mujtaba Syed’s Notes From The Field

Mujtaba Syed has some pretty extensive notes from his VSLive Day of Indigo: Introducing Indigo: Eric Rudder and Ari Bixhorn Programming Indigo: Don...

February 9, 2005 .net

VSLive Indigo Day Coverage from TheServerSide

a nice summary of the Indigo Day at VSLiveCIA...

February 9, 2005 .net

Introducing Indigo: An Early Look

″David Chappell provides an architectural overview of ‘Indigo,’ Microsoft’s unified programming model for building service-oriented applications....

February 9, 2005 .net

Video: Soma on Visual Studio 2005 + Smart Clients

″Somasegar says a key component of continuing this momentum is creating ‘connected systems’ that work together by using smart clients. ‘Let’s take...

February 9, 2005 .net

Clemens says “Hello, World” via Indigo

″If you looked at the PDC 2003 Indigo bits, you will notice that the [Indigo] programming model changed quite a bit. I think that in fact, every...

February 9, 2005 .net

Watch Eric Rudder’s VSLive Indigo Keynote

″Eric Rudder, Senior Vice President of Microsoft’s Server and Tools Business, showed off Indigo at this morning’s VSLive! keynote. Indigo,...

February 8, 2005 .net

Allowing Partially Trusted Callers

If you’re not familiar with the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute (pronounced “apt-ka” by those in the know…) or worse, if you just apply it...

February 8, 2005 .net

Avalon + Scaleable Golf == Hole in N

Mike Marshall over at the 19th hole has been digging into Avalon to experiment with scalable graphics, golf, ClickOnce and 3rd party drawing tools....

February 4, 2005 .net

DeepWinFX: Avalon Menus

a very simple intro to building menus in Avalon...

February 4, 2005 .net

Want to be able to step into the Windows Forms source? I do!

Let Shawn know...

February 3, 2005 .net

Keeping the Windows Forms Designer from Eating You

Shawn Burke, Dev. Manager on the Windows Forms team, thinks that MS has finally figured out the problem with controls disappearing from the Designer...

February 3, 2005 .net

London Avalon Enthusiasts Dinner

PMyou should let him know...

January 31, 2005 .net

Aurora XAML Editor Updated for Avalon Nov. CTP

their Aurora XAML editorCTP...

January 30, 2005 .net

XAML Experience Highly Desired in Concord, MA

Herejobs for XAML folk...

January 25, 2005 .net

Avalon Property Triggers

adding interactivity to his samples using Avalon property triggers...

January 25, 2005 .net

Ari Bixhorn on Indigo

his hopes and dreams for Indigo...

January 25, 2005 .net

I Can’t Promise To Answer All Of Your Prayers, But I Promise To Always Listen

I didn’t know that I’d been nominated, but apparently I was canonized yesterday as the Patron Saint of Smart Client Applications. I promise to be a...

January 20, 2005 .net

Creating 2-D and 3-D Dynamic Animations in “Avalon

“Karsten shows how to build an animated version of Task Manager using the 2-D animation infrastructure provided by Avalon, then moving into the...

January 20, 2005 .net

JasonW on ClickOnce Permission Elevations

some thoughts about ClickOnce and user-managed permission evaluationThoughts...

January 19, 2005 .net

Telling us we’re Bad and Ugly is Good!

Rod Paddock sat down to use Avalon in a real way and then kept notes. Some of those notes said good things about Avalon Some of them said not so...

January 19, 2005 .net

Let Slip The Dogs of War!

HereFord McKinstry, PM on the Microsoft Indigo team, gives us a hint as to when the next preview release of the Indigo bits will be available: “We...

January 19, 2005 .net

Get Out The Vote: .NET DJ Reader’s Choice Awards

NET Developer’s Journal Reader’s ChoiceWindows Forms Programming in C#MSDNVote...

January 17, 2005 .net

Formatting Web Content for Compact Devices

I just noticed these two posts from Steve Makofsky formatting web content for compact devices: Pocket IE dasBlog and .Text on Pocket IEMostly, I’d...

January 17, 2005 .net

MSDN Webcast: .NET Smart Client

HereIf you’re not sure what the heck a Smart Client is, Tim Huckaby explains it like no other: ″This webcast defines the ‘smart client’ and...

January 17, 2005 .net

MSDN Webcast: .NET Compact Framework 2.0

HereI just noticed this on the MSDN Webcast list. I’m hoping to attend myself! “The upcoming 2.0 release of .NET offers many new features and...

January 16, 2005 .net

Getting Started w/ the Public Avalon CTP for Newbies

an excellent explanationthe public pre-release of the Nov. 2004 Avalon CTP...

January 15, 2005 .net

Vote for Balloon Help in .NET 2.0

exercising my democratic rights...

January 14, 2005 .net

Request for Proposal: ClickOnce Application Series

Do you have a series of simple yet compelling ClickOnce applications in you that you can build and deliver to show off the benefits of Windows Forms...

January 14, 2005 .net

Nov. ’04 Avalon CTP Available for Public Download

By popular demand, the Avalon team has provided the November 2004 Avalon Community Technology Preview for the general public. In addition, the team...

January 13, 2005 .net

A New WinFX Community Enters the Fray

Deepak Kapoordeepwinfx.com...

January 13, 2005 .net

ClickOnce Love

“his understandable love of ClickOncethreeClickOnceblog entries...

January 13, 2005 .net

Microsoft Plans Information Bridge Update

Here”Microsoft is working on an update to its Information Bridge Framework (IBF) for this springIBFMSDNIBF...

January 6, 2005 .net

Avalon Nov. ’04 CTP Sample: SolFx

If you’ve got .NET 2.0 and the Nov. ’04 Avalon CTP, click here to play my scaling, vector-based, WinFX version of Solitaire. Features include lovely...

January 3, 2005 .net

Seeing Stars in Avalon

using Avalon 3D to visualize stars in the galaxy...

January 3, 2005 .net

Paint.NET 2.0

And while we’re on the topic of real-world .NET Smart Client applications, you can’t not take a look at the Washington State University course work...

January 3, 2005 .net

Dissecting a C# Application: Inside SharpDevelop

APress has made Dissecting a C# Application: Inside SharpDevelop, the book that describes the history and design of SharpDevelop, freely available...

December 30, 2004 .net

“How Do I” Makes Me Smile

I liked the new “How Do I…?” section of the references pages in the WinFX SDK before, but when I ran into the “How do I make an element spin in...

December 30, 2004 .net

Fix for VS05b1 Avalon compilation perf problems

Rob has posted a description and a couple of work-arounds to a problem some folks are having w/ 100% CPU utilization after an Avalon project is...

December 30, 2004 .net

BackgroundWorker and Sample for Compact Framework

BackgroundWorker component for the .NET Compact Frameworkported my pi calculation application to use this new implementation...

December 23, 2004 .net

Mobiform Aurora XAML Editor

“Aurora is a graphical designer developed to create and edit Avalon Windows, elements, and controls. Aurora is built on top of Avalon and renders...

December 22, 2004 .net

Hosting An Avalon Application in a Browser

converting a stand-alone Avalon application into an application that can be hosted in IE...

December 22, 2004 .net

SVG to XAML Converter

“The Adobe® Illustrator® SVG Edition of XAMLConverter is now available for free evaluation. The process is as simple is running XAMLConverter,...

December 16, 2004 .net

Ian Dives Deep Into Animation

I said that animation in Avalon is simple. Ian said that it’s hard. We’re both right (I was talking about the programming model and Ian is talking...

December 16, 2004 .net

JohnMont Wants Feedback on WinForms/Avalon Interop

John Montgomery wants to know: “[W]hen it comes to Avalon and Windows Forms interop, I’m curious: how many people will use it and what will they use...

December 16, 2004 .net

Best of the Blogs: VS Tools for Office 2003

the best VSTO blog entries in 2003VSTO...

December 15, 2004 .net

Avalon Chess

The Avalon experiments keep on happening. This time, check out Avalon Chess...

December 6, 2004 .net

Edward Tufte + Avalon == Visualization Goodness

I’ve long held the belief that the big deal about Avalon is that it provided a platform for a whole new class of data visualization and manipulation...

December 5, 2004 .net

Dependency and Attached Properties in Avalon

a very nice write-up of the need and usage of dependency properties via attached properties in Avalonsome additional commentary...

December 4, 2004 .net

Rod’s Avalon Adventures

Read Rod Paddock’s Adventures in Avalon as he installs and binds to a DataSet: Avalon Adventures Part 0 : The Setup Avalon Adventures Part 1 : Data...

December 3, 2004 .net

More On Avalon CTP Animations

Because Ian doesn’t have blog comments and because the Avalon Animation team doesn’t yet have a blog, Elizabeth Nelson (PM) and Matt Calkins (SDE)...

December 2, 2004 .net

Nixon Knew He Was A Crook…

but it wasn’t until Woodward and Bernstein shared it with the world that he did anything about it. Now that we’ve got an Avalon that works with...

December 2, 2004 .net

Animating Custom Types in Avalon

the core concepts in Avalon animation““...

November 30, 2004 .net

Avalon 3D Samples Updated for the CTP

Karsten says“http://www.therhogue.com/WinFX/3D...

November 30, 2004 .net

The 7 Goals of Highly Effective XAML Designers

PMthe 7 goals that drives the XAML design decisions...

November 27, 2004 .net

Microsoft’s Road Map for Windows Forms and Avalon

John Montgomery, Microsoft Marketing Maven in charge of .NET and WinFX messaging, has posted the road map agreed on by the Windows Forms and Avalon...

November 27, 2004 .net

More Peer Pressure for Ian…

his TopDraw sampleCTP...

November 26, 2004 .net

DirectX Mesh (.x) to XAML Converter Update for CTP

Ian gives into peer pressure (I love the Internet : ) and posts an update to his DirectX mesh (.x) files to XAML conversion tool that works with the...

November 26, 2004 .net

Some Love for the Smart Client Offline App. Block

Richard Childress has posted on his experiences with the Smart Client Offline Application Block as valuable for not only solving his domain-specific...

November 25, 2004 .net

Useful Avalon Application: Pong

As cool as XamlPad and Bouncing Boing Ball are, I’ve had at least one blog comment from someone looking for a useful Avalon CTP application...

November 24, 2004 .net

Interactive Programming Addiction

So, I’ve never done anything with Python, so I’ve never really figured out what the big deal was. However, if the interactive Python development...

November 24, 2004 .net

Channel9: Way Cool Visual C# Express Demo

a ton of VS05 features that I didn’t know about...

November 24, 2004 .net

Getting to the Avalon Visual Tree

XAMLIn this postXamlPadVS XAML Viewer...

November 24, 2004 .net

XAML Viewer for Visual Studio 2005 Beta 1

As cool as Chris Anderson’s XamlPad sample is, I think Gaston “I’m a VS man” Milano has done him one better with a XAML viewer integrated directly...

November 23, 2004 .net

Avalon CTP Sample: 3D Animation Studio

3D animation play toyCTP...

November 23, 2004 .net

Avalon + WinForms Sitting In A Tree…

a simple onea more complicated onehis ClickOnce XamlPad Clone...

November 22, 2004 .net

Avalon CTP Sample #2: 3D Bouncing Boing Demo

SDE3D Bouncing Ball Boing demo to the Avalon CTP...

November 22, 2004 .net

Getting to Know Avalon - A Guided Tour of the SDK

a nice little tour of Avalon via the the WinFX SDK...

November 22, 2004 .net

Using VC#/VB Express w/ the Avalon CTP

PMusing the Avalon CTP project templates from Visual C# Express and Visual Basic Express...

November 21, 2004 .net

MSDN DevChat on Real World No-Touch Deployment

Robi Khan and Mark Levison from Databeacon will be doing a MSDN DevChat on their recent commercial application using No-Touch Deployment. It’s on...

November 19, 2004 .net

Avalon CTP Sample and Tool: XamlPad Clone

app for the Avalon CTP called “XamlPad” This just in: Chris has posted a version of his XamlPad Clone on a server via ClickOnce so you can just run...

November 19, 2004 .net

November 2004 Avalon CTP Released

Just in case you haven’t noticed, MSDN Subscribers should download the Avalon Community Technology Preview, which enables Avalon to run under...

November 18, 2004 .net

Scott Garvey’s Discussion of Smart Clients

what’s a smart client and what’s not“ For me, things boil down this way: if it’s something I’ve got to spend significant time in, I really want it...

November 15, 2004 .net

Smart Client DevCenter: Rebooted

Jonathan Wells, Matt Lusher and I have re-launched the MSDN Smart Client Developer Center web site, kicking off the new site with four headlines of...

November 11, 2004 .net

Bill Wagner Using the Updater App Block

“Bill Wagner takes us through using the more extensible Updater Application Block to automatically install and maintain applications. He also...

October 29, 2004 .net

First Commercial .NET No Touch Deployment App

Mark Levison of Databeacon talks about the first commercial-grade .NET No-Touch Deployment application to be deployed over the internet (at least,...

October 28, 2004 .net

Way Cool Windows Forms 2.0 Samples

My Windows Forms partner in crime, Mike Weinhardt, pointed out to me this morning that the Windows Forms team has posted their way cool Windows...

October 14, 2004 .net

Aaron Skonnard On The Indigo SDR

Aaron Skonnard puts you right into the middle of it...

October 14, 2004 .net

.NET Show: Don and Doug on Connected Systems

I’m downloading this now, but anytime I get a chance to see Don Box or Doug Purdy speak, I want to do it. To see them both together?!? Oh la la! And...

October 10, 2004 .net

Rob Relyea on Fixing the XAML Attribute Grammar

Rob’s been talking about fixing various parts of XAML lately, which is exactly the kind of result you want when a bunch of folks work with your...

October 7, 2004 .net

Settings, Collections and VS05b1 (oh my)

HereThe one where I get to try out the interaction between VS05, Windows Forms 2.0, application and user settings (wahoo!), generics and versioning,...

October 6, 2004 .net

Ryan, My Favorite Feedbacker

If I’m doing the calculations correctly, Ryan Dawson is not yet old enough to drink, but he still manages to give the best, most direct, most...

October 4, 2004 .net

Thinking About Developers and Smart Clients

I’ve recently added another castle to my empire by taking on the Content Strategist duties for the MSDN Smart Client Developer Center. When I step...

October 2, 2004 .net

Learn Indigo in 5 Minutes

Well, to be fair, Don leaves some details out, but he wanted to see if he could explain Indigo in 5 minutes or less. Worth the read...

October 1, 2004 .net

Avalon: Modern Day Compositing & Rendering Engine

Brian Pepin, Development Lead on the Windows Forms team, has some interesting observations about Avalon and what it means to developers. I...

September 22, 2004 .net

Mike Harsh On the Life Left in Windows Forms (Lots!)

Mike Harsh, a PM on the Windows Forms team, gives his opinion on several important Windows Forms and Avalon-related questions: Is [Windows Forms...

September 10, 2004 .net

Joe Stegman on Windows Forms and Avalon Together

PMhow tight the integration between Windows Forms and Avalon will beUI...

September 10, 2004 .net

Catching up with Longhorn

That was interesting. I spent all week getting ready for the big announcement, we launched it on a Friday and then I took off for a week of fun in...

August 30, 2004 .net

Scoble Takes the Pulse of the Developer Community

a great job reporting the pulse of the Windows developer communityFriday’s news...

August 30, 2004 .net

Jim Allchin, Group VP for Windows, on Channel9 Vid

Channel9 has the latest Windows/WinFX/Longhorn/WinFS/Avalon/Indigo skinny right from the horse’s mouth: Jim Allchin the Group VP in charge of Windows...

August 29, 2004 .net

Jeremy Mazern on What Happened To Longhorn & WinFS


August 27, 2004 .net

WinFX To Be Available On Down-Level Windows

Lots of interesting news about the plan to make WinFX available on Windows XP and Windows 2003: Press release: Microsoft Announces 2006 Target...

August 22, 2004 .net

Tim Sneath On Building a Longhorn Sidebar

Tim Sneath shares his experiences building a Longhorn Sidebar...

August 22, 2004 .net

Why Joe Likes XAML

HereJoe Marini is working with Longhorn, Avalon and XAML on a Microsoft product team and finds that he really loves XAML. This, in and off itself,...

August 18, 2004 .net

Longhorn on Mars

Arun Bhatnagar found Longhorn on Mars today: “I am a software developer who is currently working on C#/.net in Canada. Like so many other developers...

August 18, 2004 .net

Don Tours the Indigo Building (aka 42)

It’s easy to forget the real people behind any given project, especially one the size of Indigo with Don as the pretty figure head. In this video,...

August 17, 2004 .net

Nice Concise Overview of MSBuild

part 1part 2part 3a nice 3-page overview of MSBuild“...

August 13, 2004 .net

Ohhhh… Imaginary Flying 3D Donut…

Avalon 3D Donut...

August 12, 2004 .net

.NET DJ Interviews Don “The King of COM” Box

Here““he also answers much more interesting questions like “I’m perfectly happy using ASMX for Web services - why should I care about Indigo?” and...

August 12, 2004 .net

“Windows Forms layout coming out of your butt”

Mike Weinhardt lists his favorite new features in Windows Forms 2.0, not only bringing my “butt” into it, but making it sound like a good thing. : )...

August 12, 2004 .net

Eric Gunnerson Can’t Resist The Pull Of Longhorn

work on the Longhorn Movie Maker team...

August 12, 2004 .net

Scott’s .NET Zen

I find these strangely compelling, especially this one: Languages Zen Koan:“One day Fred was working with .NET. He overheard a programmer say to his...

August 12, 2004 .net

3D for the Rest of Us, Part 2: Transforms

SDEanother article on Avalon 3D with fabulous figuresvery...

August 12, 2004 .net

Monad Architect Presents on the Monad Shell

”Monad Shell — Task-Oriented Automation Framework...

August 12, 2004 .net

“Avalon is not going to replace the browser.”

talks about rich vs. reach and where Avalon fits into this picture...

August 12, 2004 .net

DonXML Updates His SVG2XAML Tool For WinHEC LH

DonXML has ported his SVG to XAML conversion tool to the WinHEC build of Longhorn and provides the source as well as the binary on his GotDotNet...

August 3, 2004 .net

XAML: Smooth & Satisfying

Peter Sternfun XAML t-shirts, coffee mugs and laptop stickers...

August 3, 2004 .net

Microsoft Longhorn Employee Blogs

Here82 Microsoft employees classify themselves as blogging about Longhorn or Longhorn-related topics...

July 30, 2004 .net

Longhorn Jobs

HereLooking for the a job in Longhorn? CareerBuilder.com has 5 Longhorn jobs listed: Software Development Lead, Microsoft Program Manager,...

July 27, 2004 .net

MSDN Designer Posts Fun Longhorn Stuff

Peter Stern, one of MSDN’s most excellent user experience and graphic designers, has started up a web site, with a special section just for fun...

July 21, 2004 .net

My Favorite Smart Client App: Robocopy

There’s a smart client app that I’ve found myself using more and more and loving it: robocopy. The UI for robocopy sucks, of course. It’s a command...

July 21, 2004 .net

Don Norman Consulting on Longhorn?

HereAccording to Computerworld, Don Norman, the design engineer famous for such works as “The Design of Everyday Things,” is consulting on Longhorn...

July 21, 2004 .net

I Love Ian

In Ian Griffith’s latest post, he shows 3 identical (to my eye) upper case Os next to each other and says, “[t]his clearly shows the shortcomings of...

July 21, 2004 .net

Jon Udell Takes The Long View on Longhorn

After weeks of trying research, floating his thoughts on his blog and taking feedback from the blogging community (including several Microsoft...

July 21, 2004 .net

A Kinder, Gentler Driver Model for Longhorn

According to legend, half the Windows XP BSODs are 3rd party driver crashes, reducing our “trustworthiness” to the user (trust is more than security...

July 19, 2004 .net

Avalon 3D Coordinate System

Daniel Lehenbauer, an SDE on the Avalon team, has a nice explanation of the 3D coordinate space in Avalon with some very illustrative pictures. I’ve...

July 19, 2004 .net

Tim Sneath On The Audiences And Tensions O MSBuild

NETthis short summarythere are a bunch of MSBuild resources on the Longhorn Developer Center’s Tools & Code Samples...

July 12, 2004 .net

Needed: Virtual PC Image of Longhorn 4074


July 10, 2004 .net

I want Facetop for Longhorn

Facetop has been all over the web for a couple of days and I’d like to point out two things about it: This is exactly the kind of thing we’re...

July 9, 2004 .net

Feedster Longhorn Buzz Feed

the Feedster Windows Longhorn Buzz FeedSubscribed...

July 8, 2004 .net

Richard Turner Answers Common Indigo Questions

Richard Turner, a PM on the Indigo team, answers some of the Indigo questions that came up as a result of his recent Channel9 interview, including:...

July 3, 2004 .net

Ashvil DCosta on How Longhorn Transforms Apps

Ashvil DCostahow Longhorn, particularly WinFS, will change the way we think about and develop applications...

July 3, 2004 .net

Jason Nadal on the Longhorn Speech API

“The Longhorn speech API offers baked-in functionality for voice commands inside the operating system (OS). This is a giant leap forward in the...

July 1, 2004 .net

Rob Chandler On Longhorn User Assistance Direction

MVPa look at where he sees User Assistance heading in LonghornUI...

June 30, 2004 .net

All About MSH:The Microsoft Shell (Codename Monad)

I’m a big cmd.exe user and was a big Korn Shell user before that, so command shells are an important part of my life and thus, I’m skeptical of new...

June 29, 2004 .net

The XAML Clone Wars Heat Up


June 28, 2004 .net

Avalon 3D Hit Testing Demo

The benefit of 3D support in Avalon is not the 3D support itself (we’ve had various ways to do 3D stuff in Windows apps for a while now, including...

June 28, 2004 .net

Using Permutations in .NET

I know this is almost a year old, but the permutations algorithm was my favorite from STL and I’ve had occassion to miss it since moving to .NET, so...

June 25, 2004 .net

Longhorn Foghorn: Crazy About Avalon Data Binding

Over the last few weeks, I’ve fallen in love with the power and simplicity of Avalon data binding. In this month’s column, I start a 2 article...

June 24, 2004 .net

Richard Turner On Building Web Services Today

PMsome advice about how to build web services while we wait for IndigoWSE2ASMX...

June 24, 2004 .net

It’s Almost Always Option B

Choose an existing technology Foo and imagine a newer, better way of doing the same thing called Bar that’s coming in some number of...

June 24, 2004 .net

RobertM On Consuming XAML From A Web Server

Robert McLaws makes an interesting observation about the possibility of consuming XAML from a web server: “So, if Microsoft wants to blur the lines...

June 19, 2004 .net

Chris Anderson on Avalon Visual Extensibility

Chris Anderson just did a fabulous job describing what makes Avalon more extensible than existing popular UI frameworks. What Avalon allows is the...

June 19, 2004 .net

Longhorn 4074, MSBuild + GetOutputAssembly

If you’re using Longhorn 4074 and MSBuild is telling you this, ‘The target “GetOutputAssembly” does not exist in the project.’, then try these steps...

June 17, 2004 .net

Avalon Data Binding Talk, PADNUG, Thurs, 6/24/04

“If you’re familiar with data binding in Windows Forms or ASP.NET, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. In this presentation, Chris Sells, Content Strategist...

June 17, 2004 .net

Anders On Integrating Database Support Into C#

Some quotes from Anders on Channel9: “On of the things that we are trying to think about deeply in C# 3.0 is this big gap that I still see between...

June 17, 2004 .net

Chris Anderson on XAML “Aha” Moments

XAML“two big “aha” moments to which XAML programmers can look forwardeverythingUI...

June 16, 2004 .net

Refining the Versioning Story

Wesner Moise reports on a talk that Jeff Richter did on the .NET versioning story in the Longhorn time frame. Some interesting quotes: “a library...

June 12, 2004 .net

Channel9 Videos: Rich Turner On The Road To Indigo

HereRich Turned, an Indigo PM, has some useful things to say about Indigo in his recent Channel9 videos: What is the biggest misperception of...

June 11, 2004 .net

Jon Udell’s Questions about Longhorn

I’m really loving Jon’s approach to exploring and questioning the goals and implications of Longhorn: Questions about Longhorn, part 1: WinFS...

June 10, 2004 .net

Avalon Property Invalidation & Custom Measurement

Kenny Lim talks not only about custom Avalon controls catching property changes so that they can re-render themselves, but also about the custom...

June 9, 2004 .net

Another Cool Visualization

VisitorVille maps your real-time web site data to a SimCity-like environment that you can use to see where folks are going on your site and how...

June 9, 2004 .net

Addressing Misperceptions About Indigo

Richard Turner, a PM on the Indigo team, addresses the biggest misperception about Indigo in this Channel9 video. Bottom line: Microsoft is not...

June 9, 2004 .net

Using XAML As A 3D File Format

SDEa wiki providing helpful hints on using XAML as your new 3D file formata utility to help those playing with 3D...

June 8, 2004 .net

On The Value and Direction of WinFS

a look at WinFSa counter-point...

June 2, 2004 .net

MyXaml Is Not A Microsoft XAML Clone

Just to be clear, Marc Clifton’s MyXaml framework for adding a declarative UI mark-up language to today’s .NET framework is not a clone/sub-set of...

May 31, 2004 .net

Q: Why Can’t I Unload a .NET Assembly? A:…

Jason Zander, a Microsoft Product Unit Manager, not only points out the implementation problems we have with being able to unload .NET assemblies,...

May 28, 2004 .net

A 3-Part, 3-Day Weekend XAML Quiz

Ian posted a fun little snippet of XAML showing off the new support for image effects on anything that Avalon renders, not just images:...

May 28, 2004 .net

Got Smart Client Development Questions?

We’ve got answers...

May 26, 2004 .net

Microsoft Car .NET

I want it...

May 26, 2004 .net

O’Reilly Takes A First Look At the WinHEC Longhorn

Wei-Meng Lee takes a first look at the WinHEC build of Longhorn...

May 25, 2004 .net

Wesner on XAML as Documents (Again)

As Wesner notes, the Longhorn SDK lists 3 distinct Avalon applications types: Windows/Forms apps, multi-page apps and documents. The beauty of...

May 23, 2004 .net

A Gathering of Avalon 3D Materials

Greg Schecter, one of the designers of the new support for 3D in Avalon available in the Longhorn WinHEC build, provides a nice overview and some...

May 21, 2004 .net

Strengths and Weaknesses

HereDevelopMentor was my own personal speed reading course...

May 21, 2004 .net

WinHEC Avalon Slides

HereThe Avalon team has posted their WinHEC slides: Greg Schecter: Avalon Graphics Stack Overview [682 KB] Joe Beda: Avalon Graphics - 2D, 3D,...

May 21, 2004 .net

The Power of Vector Drawing

the power for vector graphicsdemonstrating the power of vector graphics...

May 21, 2004 .net

Interview: Bob Muglia, MS Longhorn Server Sr. VP

ZDNet asks Bob Muglia, the Sr. VP in charge of Longhorn Server, questionsMS...

May 19, 2004 .net

WinFS StoreSpy v0.8 for the WinHEC Longhorn


May 17, 2004 .net

.NET Rocks: Reflections on Connections

’I was actually broadcasting on an episode of .NET Rocks live focusing on conferencesURL...

May 15, 2004 .net

Channel9 Video: What influenced the design of LH?

“’I never would have thunk of them...

May 14, 2004 .net

Squarified Treemaps in Avalon and Much, Much More

Today Jonathan Hodgson has posted a very cool article ostensibly about implementing Squarified Treemaps in Avalon, but he goes much further than...

May 13, 2004 .net

Find Yourself with Longhorn P2P

Karsten postssome cool P2P samples he foundthe updated WinHEC Longhorn SDK...

May 13, 2004 .net

WinHEC Avalon NNTP *Dude*

the sourceWinHEC-compliant Avalon NNTP Readerscreenshot here...

May 12, 2004 .net

WinFS: Where Do The Attributes Come From?

Sam Druker, Development Team Lead on the WinFS team, has a series of videos on Channel9 talking about a variety of WinFS topics: Where do the...

May 11, 2004 .net

What Happens When You Surf to WinFX.com?

The right thing happens...

May 7, 2004 .net

The WinFS Team on the Status of WinFS

HereAfter Business Week reported the death of WinFS, some folks have been justifiably worried that such a cool feature would, in fact, be missing...

May 7, 2004 .net

I’m loving the WinHEC build of Longhorn

stablePDCIf you’re an MSDN subscriber into Longhorn, I recommend it...

May 7, 2004 .net

What’s New in Avalon 4074

Nathan Dunlap takes us on a tour of his favorite new things in Avalon in the WinHEC build of Longhorn3D...

May 7, 2004 .net

A Huge Variety of Declarative UIs

UIThe XUL Grand Coding Challenge 2004 shows off 10XAMLit’s coming...

May 6, 2004 .net

Conference In A Box: WinHEC Longhorn Materials

”Conference In A Box“...

May 5, 2004 .net

The Virtual WinHEC

WinHEC 2004 Show Report and Photo Gallery...

May 5, 2004 .net

Transcript of Jim Allchin’s WinHEC Keynote

“Beyond Better, Stronger, Faster: Innovating around Experiences,”...

May 5, 2004 .net

Transcript of BillG’s WinHEC Keynote

BillG’s keynote @ WinHEC this year was entitled “Seamless Computing: Hardware Advances for a New Generation of Software,” and is available in...

May 5, 2004 .net

Longhorn M7.2 Bits Coming to MSDN Subscribers

HereIn case you’ve heard the rumors about a new drop of Longhorn coming to WinHEC attendees, you’ve heard right. The Milestone 7.2 (M7.2) drop of...

May 3, 2004 .net

*Sweet* Windows Forms 2.0 Features Screen Shots

The Windows Forms team has posted some sweet screenshots and overviews of the major new features in Windows Forms 2.0, including two I hadn’t heard...

May 2, 2004 .net

Lutz Releases Reflector 4.0 (Finally!)

It has been hell keeping this to myself as Lutz has been sending me beta drops for the last coupla months for the completely reworked Reflector 4.0....

April 28, 2004 .net

OSS Groups Teaming Up to Combat Longhorn

what the Mozilla and Gnome guys are thinking about to rally their forces to combat LonghornMS...

April 28, 2004 .net

Miguel de Icaza On Why Longhorn Matters

If you don’t know him, Miguel is the architect of the Mono open source project whose aim is to implement the .NET CLR and the Framework Class...

April 28, 2004 .net

Tic-Tac-Toe for Longhorn

Deepak’s sample implementation of tic-tac-toe in C# and XAML...

April 27, 2004 .net

Edward Tufte + Avalon

WardEdward Tufte“Envisioning Information”...

April 26, 2004 .net

Logging Indigo Messages

a little Indigo logging tool’...

April 25, 2004 .net

A Windows Forms 2.0 Voice in the Wilderness

ASP.NET 2.0 gets a ton of deserved press, but the combination of the doubling in functionality of Windows Forms in .NET 2.0 and the new and improved...

April 24, 2004 .net

WinFS is a Domain Ontology with Style

Michael Herman caught onto WinFS’s real nature“Ontology Development 101: A Guide to Creating Your First Ontology...

April 23, 2004 .net

Security in Longhorn: Focus on Least Privilege

Keith “Mr. Security” BrownIn this piece...

April 23, 2004 .net

Overview of MSBuild, Part 1 of 3

HereThis week, Christophe Nasarre, one of the best reviewers on my Windows Forms book, has written a 3-article series on the new command line build...

April 23, 2004 .net

.NET Evangelists on .NET Rocks Today @ 9am PST

I work closely with Vic and Steve on the strategy for Longhorn content and activies, so I’m planning to tune it to today’s .NET Rocks...

April 15, 2004 .net

Another Step Down the Longhorn Road

build something that is at least approaching how Sol is supposed to look...

April 14, 2004 .net

I’m on Channel9 Talking About Longhorn + Solitaire

Robert Scoble and I walked around MSDN last week with a camera and here’s the first snippet where I talk about my experiences building Solitaire for...

April 14, 2004 .net

Fundamentals #2: The New Registry

Karsten continues his dig into the Fundamentals Pillar of Longhorn by describing the 3 main points of the new configuration settings infrastructure...

April 14, 2004 .net

Jeremey Mazner on the Real Status of WinFS

I’ve been silent myself on the real status of WinFS simply because I didn’t know enough to really say (although I did ask some of my internal...

April 12, 2004 .net

Karsten on The Fundamentals Pillar

Karsten J rebel’s against the lack of coverage of the Fundamentals pillar of Longhorn, sketching an overview of why the Fundamentals in Longhorn are...

April 10, 2004 .net

Joe Beda on All Kinds of Avalon

Channel9 has some interesting quicky videos of Joe Beda covering a number of Avalon-related goodies: Managed vs. unmanaged, how much of Avalon was...

April 9, 2004 .net

Longhorn Concept Video: Manufacturing

Carter’s got another concept video for us, this time for manufacturing. In general, if you haven’t seen the concept videos, they’re a fantastic way...

April 9, 2004 .net

Jason Olson on Threading in Avalon

Jason Olson, an enterprising 3rd party, posts a look at the benefits of knowing about threading when building an entire UI stack from scratch....

April 8, 2004 .net

“Avalon Is Not Going To Replace The Browser”

There seems to be a common misconception that since Avalon windows/pages are/can be declared in markup (XAML), it must be a web killer/reach...

April 8, 2004 .net

Longhorn Blogs Wiki Page

a Longhorn Wikia list of Longhorn Blogs...

April 6, 2004 .net

Looking For the .NET Source Code Crawling Guy

NETNETplease drop me a line...

April 6, 2004 .net

MS Developer Tool Roadman: ’05 and Beyond

the new stuff goes on foreverIDEVBSQL“...

April 6, 2004 .net

Longhorn Sample: RSS Reader (Like, Out Loud)

an RSS reader that uses the Longhorn text-to-speech APIs to actually read you the morning newsIncludes source...

April 5, 2004 .net

Is This One Better? Now Cover the Other Eye…

HereKevin Lindsey has been exploring Avalon and posting some things he didn’t expect. I love how he posts pictures of what he expected alongside of...

April 5, 2004 .net

Ryan on Getting Starting Building Longhorn Help

getting started writing help in Longhorn...

April 4, 2004 .net

Windows Forms Has At Least Another Decade In It

Apparently Robert had a conversation with a customer that was holding up .NET adoption because Longhorn was coming with Avalon. If you’re already...

April 3, 2004 .net

Why Longhorn So Soon?

HereRobert Hess, that .NET Show guy, talks about why he’s so into Longhorn in the recent .NET Shows lately: “What you -do- need to pay attention to,...

March 31, 2004 .net

Avalon Perf Tips: Properties, Resources & Triggers

PMperformance tips on Avalon inheritable properties, centrally shared resources and property triggers...

March 31, 2004 .net

*This* Is Why We Released LH to Developers Early

Marc Clifton, a concerned 3rd party, provides thoughtful criticism of XAML. Chris Anderson, Avalon Architect, takes Marc’s criticism and provides a...

March 30, 2004 .net

Avalon: From All Code to No Code And In Between

Today, Joe Marini, a Microsoft PM on a project that dare not speak it’s name, posts a blog reader built entirely in XAML, i.e. no .NET code. Last...

March 29, 2004 .net

Rory Hosts .NET Rock While Chris Adds Color

I interviewed Carl with Rory acting as color manRory is hosting and I’m just there to fill a seatSQLSQL...

March 29, 2004 .net

Is Microsoft Bollixing Up XAML?

Marc Clifton, author of the MyXaml open source project, publishes a series of articles exploring opportunities for improvement for the Avalon...

March 29, 2004 .net

HTTP.SYS, IIS, Indigo, and Windows XP SP2 oh my!

his explanation of HTTP.SYS, IIS and XPSP2NETIIS6XPSP2...

March 26, 2004 .net

Do Not Install VS2005 on Longhorn!

a new preview version of Visual Studio 2005 is availableMSDNDO NOT INSTALL THIS BUILD OF VS2005 ON LONGHORN...

March 25, 2004 .net

Taking Advantage of Enterprise Features in Indigo

Karsten digs into some of the advanced features of Indigo...

March 25, 2004 .net

I’ve Seen Monad and I Am Pleased

The most concise description of what I love most about Monad, the next-gen Windows command line, comes from Jeffrey Snover, a Microsoft Architect,...

March 25, 2004 .net

XAML is VB’s “With” on Steroids

Marc’s postVB’XAML’...

March 25, 2004 .net

XAML is Not Your Father’s HTML

dock, absolute and relative positioning in AvalonXAML...

March 25, 2004 .net

Don Answers: Does Indigo Need IIS?

how Indigo services are hosted and how that interacts with IIS...

March 25, 2004 .net

Adam Kinney on Avalon Property Triggers

a nice, concise sample of property triggers in AvalonXAML...

March 24, 2004 .net

Tom Barnaby on Preparing for Indigo

tips for preparing today for Indigo tomorrow...

March 18, 2004 .net

WinFS Scenario #4: Easing Development Process 2

pines for WinFS when they were implementing Mac Office 2004...

March 18, 2004 .net

Brent’s Chapter 6: Indigo

chapter 6 of Introducing Longhorn for Developers, where Brent dives into the Indigo pillar of Longhorn...

March 18, 2004 .net

WinFS 101: Introducing the New Windows File System

SQLkicks off his WinFS column with an overview of why we need it and what it isCheck it out...

March 13, 2004 .net

Chat with the VC++ Team about Longhorn on Monday

Herebe at this chat on Monday, 3/15 from 11a - 12:30p PST...

March 12, 2004 .net

Thumbs Up for Longhorn Security Lockdown

security + Windows = good...

March 12, 2004 .net

Indigo Lingo: Digging Into Channel Types

this month using “channels” to build different kinds of message exchange patterns into your applications...

March 12, 2004 .net

What is WOW64 and How Does It Relate to .NET?

HereJosh Williams, an SDE on the CLR team, kicks off his 64-bit blog with an introduction to WOW64 and what it means for .NET programmers. Here’s...

March 10, 2004 .net

Interview: Longhorn User Experience Gurus, part 2

Paul Thurrott finishes his 2-part series of interviews of Hillel Cooperman and Tjeerd Hoek, Longhorn User Experience mavens. The interview covers...

March 10, 2004 .net

Paul Thurrott’s Longhorn Activity Center

Paul Thurrott is more of a user guy then a developer guy, but you have to be a user before you can be a developer, and his stuff is often...

March 10, 2004 .net

Avalon vs. Quartz Extreme

If you read Ian’s article on Avalon Graphics Composition before the fireworks, you missed a wonderful discussion of how Avalon compares with Apple’s...

March 10, 2004 .net

Ryan Dawson on RTC in Longhorn

Ryan digs into the RTC stack in Longhorn to build an IM app to enable synchronized browsing and chattingRTC...

March 10, 2004 .net

Benjamin Summarizes Service Boundary Guidance

Benjamin’s Mitchell’s blogsummarizes advise from across three MS architects providing guidance on where to draw boundaries between services...

March 9, 2004 .net

C# Corner on the WinFS Data Model

an overview of the WinFS data model...

March 9, 2004 .net

Interactive XAML Editor Preview from Mobiform

Mobiform is one of two 3rd party vendors that have been building a XAML parser that runs under the current version of .NET. Today, Mobiform went one...

March 8, 2004 .net

Ian on Graphical Composition in Avalon

Normally I like to consume something before I recommend it, but his stuff is always so good that I’m going to point out Ian’s new piece on graphical...

March 8, 2004 .net

Using Windows Forms Markup (WFML)

Love markup but can’t wait for Longhorn/Avalon/XAML? Check out Joe Stegman’s WFML (Windows Forms Markup Language). [via Chris Anderson]...

March 8, 2004 .net

WinFS Scenario #3: Easing the Development Process

this is one of my favoriteOS...

March 7, 2004 .net

European Longhorn Tour

The slides from the European tour showing off Longhorn are available on codezone.infoAvalonIndigoWinFSan overview of Whidbeya keynote from David...

March 7, 2004 .net

Rich Turner on Preparing Today for Indigo Tomorrow

Rich Turner, PM on the Indigo team, answers lots of FAQs related to Indigo and how to prepare for it today, including: How do I prepare my code and...

March 7, 2004 .net

Rich Turner on Is .NET Remoting Dead?

PMa pretty firm answer to the question of whether .NET remoting is dead: no...

March 7, 2004 .net

Looking for WinFS Bloggers

My call for Indigo bloggersrecommend as a WinFS blogger...

March 7, 2004 .net

Longhorn Animations and Timelines

animated zooming using timelines, which he describes in some detail here...

March 7, 2004 .net

Sample: Longhorn ImageStack

a sample application for viewing a stack of images in Longhornwith code...

March 6, 2004 .net

How the Longhorn SDK is Built

SDKwhat goes into the LHSDK and how it’s built...

March 5, 2004 .net

Automating Windows Forms for Testing

an article on how to automate Windows Forms applications for testing via tools like Visual Test...

March 5, 2004 .net

Longhorn Concept Video: Financial Services

Carter Maslan explores how we imagine that Longhorn’s capabilities could be applied to a financial services application...

March 3, 2004 .net

Sample: Hello Longhorn on CodeProject

Looks like CodeProject is getting into the Longhorn act with a nice Hello, Longhorn sample by Deepak Kapoor...

March 2, 2004 .net

The .NET Show: I’m Green With Envy for Indigo

Before watching this episode of The .NET Show, I used to think that Don’s speaking ability made the Indigo team somehow special, but after watching...

March 2, 2004 .net

Short, but Revealing, Interview of David Treadwell

David doesn’t get many questions to answer about the present and future of .NET, but the ones he gets asked, he answers well. My favorite: “As for...

March 2, 2004 .net

Jon Udell Sends Home the .NET Report Card

I’m always nervous about going to see the teacher about my kids’ performance this year. They’re both very bring, but the older one is easily bored...

March 1, 2004 .net

Sample: Avalon DawsonDraw

Ryan Dawson posts a nice sample showing the basics of a drawing program in Avalon, including a floating toolbar and the ability to draw and select...

March 1, 2004 .net

How fast does Avalon need to be?

guidelines and goals for Avalon performance...

March 1, 2004 .net

Starting from Scratch: The Visual Basic.NET Coach

I recommend “The Visual Basic .NET Coach,”NET...

February 27, 2004 .net

Introducing the New Avalon Graphics Model

the new drawing model in Avalon...

February 26, 2004 .net

The .NET Show’s Got a Blog

Since it’s inception, I’ve been a big fan of the .NET Show and I’ve seen most of the episodes. Now, the host, Robert Hess, has got himself a .NET...

February 26, 2004 .net

The Selling Point of Indigo

HereRight on, Benjamin: “The selling point of the Indigo Service model is that it is simple and easy to use. The benefits for developers is that...

February 24, 2004 .net

MSBuild Preview Quickstart Tutorials

PMseveral tutorials on MSBuildNET...

February 24, 2004 .net

Time for some Longhorn DevCenter Feedback

It’s been about 5 months since the Longhorn Developer Center was launched and I’m curious what you guys think of it. Do you like it? What about it...

February 24, 2004 .net

Benjamin Summarizes WS Alphabet Soup

a good job summarizingJon Udell’s WS Alphabet Soup article...

February 24, 2004 .net

O’Reilly Dedicates More Energy to Windows

The one and only time that I ever met Tim O’Reilly, I turned into fan-boy, telling him how I used to be a Unix guy and I would just buy every single...

February 23, 2004 .net

Chat: Longhorn Roadmap for Existing C/C++ Apps

PSTthe VC++ product team will be hosting a chat on what to do with your existing C, C++ and MFC applications in the Longhorn time frame...

February 23, 2004 .net

Avalon Bezier Spline Designer Code

HerePMthe source codehis most excellent Avalon Bezier Spline Designer...

February 21, 2004 .net

Ryan Dawson on Indigo

Ryan Dawson turns his attention to IndigoPDC...

February 20, 2004 .net

Exploring New WinForm Controls in VS .NET Whidbey

This article enumerates some of the updated controls in Windows Forms Whidbey.MSDNMichael has already tackled the new GridView control...

February 20, 2004 .net

WinFS Scenario #2: Event Planning

Jeremy Mazner presents his second scenario for WinFS, this time describing his idea app for event management that would be cake to implement using...

February 19, 2004 .net

Prepare for Longhorn: Architecture Strategy Series

the Architecture Developer Centera series of streaming video presentations about the core architectures that motivated Longhorn...

February 19, 2004 .net

Registration Open for WinHEC

PDCWinHEC in May is the place to bePC...

February 19, 2004 .net

What The Heck Is a “Smart Client” Anyway?

Microsoft Architecture Update newsletterwhat the heck Microsoft means when the sling around the term “smart client.”...

February 19, 2004 .net

Monkeying For Rory at PADNUG

his Portland Area .NET User’s Group meeting talk on Thursday, 2/26 at 6:30pm“‘’DM...

February 19, 2004 .net

Anon Delegates and Higher Order Procedures in C#

a very nice piece on anonymous delegates and higher order procedures in C# Whidbey...

February 19, 2004 .net

Avalon DataTransformer Sample

a description of the DataTransformerdownload the B sample...

February 19, 2004 .net

Ben Charts A Road to Indigo

Benjamin Mitchell lays out a nice, easily digestible Indigo intro...

February 19, 2004 .net

Longhorn Sample: RSS Aggregator

a sample RSS Aggregator...

February 18, 2004 .net

Karsten Answers Some Indigo Questions

some answers to questions about IndigoASMXNETRPC...

February 17, 2004 .net

WinFS Senario #1: Adding Music to Movies

“non-bad WinFS scenarios”he was called out by another Microsoft employeeLet Jeremy know what you think...

February 16, 2004 .net

Basic Principles of Code Access Security

NET’you shouldn’t wait any longerCAS...

February 16, 2004 .net

Exploring Visual Trees in Avalon

Visual Trees in Avalon portion of a the current version is available here...

February 16, 2004 .net

Whidbey Beta Schedule

If you care about Longhorn, start first with Whidbey. According to Scott Guthrie, the first Whidbey beta will be available in June. [via Kent Sharkey]...

February 15, 2004 .net

Smart Client Language Translation in Longhorn

Jason Nadal builds a useful smart client application in Longhorn for language translation. It’s a simple front-end to a web service, but it’s the...

February 13, 2004 .net

Avalon Resizable Panels with Splitter Bars

HereNathan Dunlap and Jonathan Russ work together as designer and coder to build splitting bars in Avalon: “Boy was I happy when he got back to me...

February 13, 2004 .net

A Man Named “Stuart Longhorn”

Ironically, his page is filled with bugs… [via Stuart Celarier, the real Longhorn Stuart]...

February 13, 2004 .net

Ian on Zooming XAML

Ian Griffiths posts the beginnings of a XAML editor (it supports squares and elipses and saving, but not loading XAML, so no source yet). Especially...

February 12, 2004 .net

Bezier Spline Designer using Avalon


February 12, 2004 .net

Rory’s Tile Sample Uses Sidebar as It’s Meant To

While Rory’s virtual pet sidebar tile sample isn’t especially useful for a corporate desktop (although maybe a “virtual employee” version could be...

February 11, 2004 .net

Kenny Linn on Intro Animation in XAML

Not only does Kenny show a cool little XAML animation sample, he does it in my favorite writing style. I’ve always loved writers that start with...

February 11, 2004 .net

Adam Kinney on Dynamic Animation in Avalon

a sample of changing an Avalon object’s animation properties dynamically...

February 10, 2004 .net

Longhorn Foghorn: A Journey of a Thousand Miles

“A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.”Unknown (to me : ) In this installment of the Longhorn Foghorn, I start my Longhorn...

February 9, 2004 .net

Custom Avalon Spell-Checked TextBox Control

a custom Avalon control that adds spell-checking to the built in TextBox control...

February 8, 2004 .net

Scoble Interviews on MS’s Longhorn Search Plans


February 6, 2004 .net

IanG on Rubber Band Selection Outlines in Avalon

Ian and I are writing an Avalon book for O’Reilly and Associates together, but he’s way out in front of me, writing cool stuff like how to get...

February 6, 2004 .net

Mitch Walker on Avalon Skinning


February 6, 2004 .net

Longhorn Concept Video: Health Care


February 6, 2004 .net

The Longhorn Team is Listening

As I’ve mentioned, the reason we’re put the Longhorn preview bits out so early is so that we can get feedback at a time when things can still...

February 6, 2004 .net

Design Considerations on XAML Syntax

Rob RelyeaPMXAMLreallyI you Go tell him...

February 5, 2004 .net

Dino on Longhorn “Un-programming”

Dino’s gotten some interesting feedback from his XAML-based articles. Apparently he’s hearing from “real programmers” that don’t want to “recycle...

February 5, 2004 .net

Sample: WinFS for CRM

Last time, Ryan Dawson posted a fun Avalon sample showing system information using graphics and animation. Today he’s back exploring the use of...

February 4, 2004 .net

Longhorn Migration & Interop: WinForms & Longhorn

“Developer Guide to Migration and Interoperability in ‘Longhorn’”a chapter on recommendations for preparing to make the best of your Windows Forms...

February 3, 2004 .net

Preparing Today for Fewer LH Privileges Tomorrow

Karsten Jkdjflksjdf (or however you spell his last name : ) pointed out two excellent security articles today. The first is “Developing Software in...

February 3, 2004 .net

“We’re full speed ahead on the R&D for speech”

HereOliver Drobnik extracted a question out of a Q&A session with BillG asking about speech recognition in Longhorn. After BillG makes a very funny...

January 31, 2004 .net

MarkupCompilation: XAML, BAML, .g.cs Details

Rob Relyea, a Lead PM on the Avalon team, posts some history of XAML as well as a description of how it’s compiled into BAML and then into code. He...

January 30, 2004 .net

Dino on Longhorn Tiles

The shell-meister himself, Dino Esposito, digs into the one of the most prominent of the new shell features in Longhorn — the Sidebar — by showing...

January 30, 2004 .net

U.K. bank sees browserless future

HereClickOnce capabilities for Windows Forms apps...

January 29, 2004 .net

Longhorn Meetup

“a “Longhorn Meetup”...

January 29, 2004 .net

The .NET Show: Longhorn Overview

NETa Longhorn overview““...

January 28, 2004 .net

XAML as Documents

Wes muses on whether XAML could become a “standard” document format for even custom types. Certainly, if a document was serialized in XAML using...

January 28, 2004 .net

Announcing the Longhorn Developer FAQ

If you’ve noticed Stuart Celarier stalking the WinFX newsgroups lately, it’s because he’s been gathering the best stuff for use in his new Longhorn...

January 27, 2004 .net

Brian Noyes on .NET Rocks about ClickOnce

Here“Carl interviews developer and author Brian Noyes. Brian has focused his studies and development efforts on Smart Client development, and in...

January 27, 2004 .net

System Stats Using Avalon Animation Lingo

a fun system stats utility...

January 26, 2004 .net

Win32 -> .NET Framework API Map

Tim Tabora mapping from Win32 API functions to the closest equivalent in the .NET Framework class library...

January 26, 2004 .net

MSBuild in 30 Minutes or Less


January 23, 2004 .net

Paul Thurrott Talks to the Longhorn Aero Team

Here“MSN“‘XPXP“This interview is the first in a series highlighting the personalities behind the technology. It’s often all too easy to...

January 22, 2004 .net

MSBuild on MSDN TV


January 22, 2004 .net

Introducing Microsoft WinFX by Brent Rector

Brent Rector’s PDC book on Longhorn/WinFX is now available for purchase. We’re posting the chapters on the Longhorn DevCenter, but atoms are nice,...

January 21, 2004 .net

Setting DataGrid Styles for Custom Types

I was data binding an ArrayList of objects of a custom type, e.g. class Person { public string Name; public DateTime BirthDate; public int Teeth; },...

January 21, 2004 .net

Creating Drop Shadow Text in Avalon


January 20, 2004 .net

A Gathering of Longhorn Code Samples

Folks have been posting Longhorn code samples on their blogs, which is great. Also, I’ve been collecting bigger code samples on the Longhorn...

January 20, 2004 .net

Rory Blyth on the .NET Rocks! Internet Radio Show


January 19, 2004 .net

WinFX in Detail: Inside XAML


January 18, 2004 .net

Longhorn Articles in Italian

Devleap.coma new Longhorn section...

January 17, 2004 .net

Glowing Image Effects in Avalon


January 16, 2004 .net

Avalon Image Effects Sample

a most excellent sample...

January 16, 2004 .net

“Windows is cool again”

In talking about recent developments at Microsoft, Mary Jo sums up my own feelings nicely: “Windows is cool again, thanks to all the excitement...

January 15, 2004 .net

Give Your Feedback on the WinFX Docs

HerePMNETthe WinFX documentation...

January 15, 2004 .net

WinFS on MSDN TV: Schemas and Extensibility


January 15, 2004 .net

Intro’ing Longhorn for Developers Ch4: Storage

HereIn this chapter, Brent Rector provides his overview of WinFS, including the programming model and how to access items from the WinFS API and via...

January 14, 2004 .net

Inside Avalon: Timing Is Everything

HereChris Anderson...

January 14, 2004 .net

Creating Indigo Applications with the PDC Bits

HereNETSDKReal World XML Web Services: For VB and VB .NET Developers...

January 14, 2004 .net

Don Box on Indigo

NETTheServerSide.NETan interview with Don Box on Indigo...

January 13, 2004 .net

Passing the Torch on Wonder of Windows Forms

Herea couple of Windows FormsDesigner integration piecesMSDN...

January 12, 2004 .net

Joe Hewitt on What Longhorn Needs for Developers

HereJoe has a particularly dim view of where we’ve come with GUIs in the last 10 years. In fact, it’s much more dim than my own view. On the other...

January 12, 2004 .net

My Windows Forms Book On Amazon’s Top 10

#10 on the list of best-selling Microsoft-related books...

January 12, 2004 .net

WinFX 247 Web Site Beta


January 9, 2004 .net

MSDN TV: Introducing ClickOnce

NET“Hear Jamie Cool from the Windows Forms team introduce the technologyprototype form as the AppUpdater Component...

January 9, 2004 .net

Developers Shrug Off Longhorn Delay Rumors

Here : )...

January 7, 2004 .net

Vector Graphics & Declarative Animation w/ Avalon

“XML”use graphic primitives and animation declaratively in Avalon...

January 6, 2004 .net

Breaking the Mental Logjam

HereAs I’ve mentioned, one of the biggest problems I see with Longhorn is deciding exactly what to do with all of the new capabilities. So, when...

January 5, 2004 .net

Don Box on .NET Rocks!


January 3, 2004 .net

On Genghis, WinForms and Moving Towards Avalon

Heremy pending interview of Don Box...

January 3, 2004 .net

WinFS: Stamping out the Roach Motel

For those of you unfamiliar with Don’s reference, a “roach motel” lets roaches in, but never lets them out. That’s exactly what most apps do today,...

December 31, 2003 .net

A Programmer’s Introduction to Visual Studio .NET


December 29, 2003 .net

3rd Party XAML Viewer #2!

We’re not even to beta yet, but we already have not one, but two 3rd party XAML viewers targeting existing versions of the .NET Framework. Wow....

December 29, 2003 .net

3rd Party XAML Viewer #2!


December 26, 2003 .net

10 Better Questions for Don Box

In a recent interview of Don Box by Mary Jo Foley, I expressed my disappointment over the dullest of both the questions and the answers....

December 24, 2003 .net

Salon.com on Longhorn and Blogging

how important blogs are...

December 22, 2003 .net

MSDN Article Submission for Budding Authors

MSDN Article Submission GuidelinesMSDNMSDN Magazine has a separate process’send it directly to me...

December 22, 2003 .net

Chris Sells on Longhorn for the TC .NET User Group

I’m in Minnesota over the holidays, so I thought I’d drop in on the Twin Cities .NET User Group for a short discussion of Longhorn. Please keep in...

December 22, 2003 .net

Mary Jo Interviews Don Box

HereMary Jo Foley interviews Don Box on the origins of Indigo, the status of SOAP, the definition of SOA and Miguel de Icaza. Unfortunately, Mary Jo...

December 22, 2003 .net

Announcing The Longhorn Developer Platform Survey


December 22, 2003 .net

Microsoft “Longhorn” Help Highlights


December 19, 2003 .net

Chris Anderson & Don Box sing Longhorn Xmas Carols


December 19, 2003 .net

Visual Studio Magazine: Get a Grip on Longhorn


December 12, 2003 .net

WinFS Overview on MSDN TV

HereApparently it’s Longhorn day for MS videos: “Quentin Clark provides an overview of WinFS, including what benefits it produces, what it is, and...

December 12, 2003 .net

New .NET Show: Longhorn @ the PDC

Here. “In this episode of the .NET Show we focus on how ‘Longhorn’ was presented, and received, at the PDC. In our first segment we talk with key...

December 12, 2003 .net

Avalon Resource Variety Sample

HereAnd than Nathan posts another sample showing off the various kinds of resources to be defined in Avalon and how to define them on top of one...

December 12, 2003 .net

Avalon Video Clipping Sample


December 12, 2003 .net

Avalon Blog: Design Eye for the Dev Guy

Nathan Dunlap, a designer on the Avalon team, has taken up blogging...

December 11, 2003 .net

Xamlon samples look interesting

If you haven’t seen it, Xamlon is a .NET 1.1 implementation of Longhorn’s XAML. And while I was under the impression that it was just XAML, i.e. a...

December 10, 2003 .net

WinFX: An All-Managed API by Ian Griffiths


December 10, 2003 .net

WinForms Prog. in VB.NET: Design-Time Integration


December 9, 2003 .net

Photo Organization App Build Entirely with .NET


December 9, 2003 .net

Longhorn-Specific PDC Presentations, Slides & Code

PDCthe Longhorn-specific talks...

December 9, 2003 .net

Graphic Designer + Coder + Longhorn = Goodness

Adam Kinney seems to be that rare combination of graphic designer and coder that I want to be to survive in the brave new world of Longhorn. I’m...

December 3, 2003 .net

Avalon’s Dependency Properties

Drew Marsh describes the internals of the XAML dotted attribute syntax that I described a few days ago as well as contrasting it with the existing...

December 2, 2003 .net

Avalon Dissected: A 3-Part Series by Drew Marsh

HereDrew’s documenting what he discovers as he digs into Avalon...

December 2, 2003 .net

More Love for XAML Syntax: Dotted Element Names

Don Box simplified my XAML code using resources and styles. He also illustrates another XAML-ism that I’m coming to love: dotted element names. When...

December 2, 2003 .net

Indigo and Star Trek


December 1, 2003 .net

New Longhorn Site for Academics


November 30, 2003 .net

Another Great Set of WinForms Controls


November 30, 2003 .net

Interesting Ex-Microsoftie Blogs on Longhorn


November 29, 2003 .net

XAML’s Extended Attribute Syntax


November 26, 2003 .net

Avalon Performance Tips and Tricks on Build 4051


November 26, 2003 .net

ComputerWorld: Orbiz Developer’s View of Longhorn


November 26, 2003 .net

Best of the Microsoft PDC 2003


November 26, 2003 .net

Xamlon Beta: XAML for the .NET Framework 1.1


November 24, 2003 .net

I don’t know UIs, but I know what I like…


November 24, 2003 .net



November 21, 2003 .net

Chris Anderson: Must Read Avalon Blog


November 21, 2003 .net

Chris Anderson on the History of the Avalon Team


November 21, 2003 .net

A Sneak Preview of Visual C# Whidbey


November 20, 2003 .net

Mike Deem: Must-Read WinFS Blog


November 20, 2003 .net

Longhorn SDK Annotations


November 20, 2003 .net

Unofficial, Unsupported Longhorn Tweaks Page


November 20, 2003 .net

Document-Centric Applications in WinForms, 3 of 3


November 20, 2003 .net

C++ templates vs. CLR generics


November 18, 2003 .net

Infragistics UltraGrid for Avalon: Technology Demo


November 16, 2003 .net

The WinFX Newsgroups are *Hot*


November 16, 2003 .net

WinFS = Windows Foo System


November 14, 2003 .net

Paul Thurrott Previews PDC Longhorn Thoroughly


November 13, 2003 .net

Brad Abrams of MS Solicits Feedback on WinFS


November 12, 2003 .net

Windows XP Service Pack 2: A Developer’s View


November 12, 2003 .net

The XML Application Mark-up Language Reference


November 12, 2003 .net

The Root of All Avalon Apps


November 12, 2003 .net

Complete Namespace Listings for WinFX


November 11, 2003 .net

The Motivation for WinFS


November 10, 2003 .net

VS.NET Whidbey Shortcut Expansion


November 10, 2003 .net

Visual Editor for MSBuild


November 7, 2003 .net

New SharpReader uses Genghis


November 7, 2003 .net

Don Box Shows K&R Hello, World in XAML


November 7, 2003 .net

WinFX Application Written in Standard ML


November 7, 2003 .net

MSDN TV: What is WinFX?


November 7, 2003 .net

Cool Longhorn Diagrams from the PDC


November 6, 2003 .net

DonXML Dives into XAML


November 5, 2003 .net

A List of What Makes WinFS Cool


November 5, 2003 .net

Develop Managed VSIP Extensions to VS.NET


November 4, 2003 .net

PDC Break-Out Session Videos


November 4, 2003 .net

.NET Rocks! hosted by MSDN


November 4, 2003 .net

Preview: Microsoft’s Windows Longhorn


November 4, 2003 .net

XAML’s not your father’s UI mark-up


November 3, 2003 .net

All about Longhorn


November 3, 2003 .net

My First PDC as a Microsoftie


October 31, 2003 .net

ChrisAn posts a brief history of XAML


October 31, 2003 .net

Hang Out in The Longhorn Newsgroups


October 31, 2003 .net

Document-Centric Applications in WinForms, 2 of 3


October 31, 2003 .net

PDC Session Slides & Code


October 31, 2003 .net

Paul Thurrott’s Windows SuperSite @ the PDC


October 31, 2003 .net

The Business of Software


October 31, 2003 .net

Eric Sink Tells the Story of His First BoS Column


October 31, 2003 .net

Updated CLR Profiler


October 31, 2003 .net

Transcript of Bill Gates at the PDC03


October 31, 2003 .net

Chris Sells Living La Vida Longhorn


October 31, 2003 .net

DevelopMentor Launches Longhorn Mailing List


October 31, 2003 .net

Where Is Windows Going?


October 31, 2003 .net

The Longhorn SDK Online


October 31, 2003 .net

Longhorn Promises Major Advances


October 31, 2003 .net

Inside Longhorn: The Details


October 31, 2003 .net

Chris Anderson & Don Box Do A Lap Around Longhorn


October 31, 2003 .net

Microsoft Ushers in ‘Longhorn’ Era


October 31, 2003 .net

Longhorn Drivers


October 31, 2003 .net

The MSDN Longhorn Developer Center Web Site


October 26, 2003 .net

Off Topic .NET Development Tools


October 24, 2003 .net

Case Study: Porting SourceOffsite from Java to C#


October 24, 2003 .net

The .NET Show: Managed DirectX


October 23, 2003 .net

Why Showing Longhorn at the PDC Isn’t Too Early


October 22, 2003 .net

Chris Anderson Sets Up Longhorn-ish Wiki


October 15, 2003 .net

Scott Guthrie’s ASP.NET Whidbey Demo


October 14, 2003 .net

Use VS.NET to install .NET w/ your app


October 7, 2003 .net

More on Generics in the CLR


October 3, 2003 .net

Use Rory Blyth as your own personal PDC reporter


October 2, 2003 .net

PDC Pre-Con Tutorial: Windows Forms


October 1, 2003 .net



October 1, 2003 .net

.NET Resource Kit CD


September 19, 2003 .net

Visual Studio .NET 2003 Upgrade Offer ’til 9/30


September 19, 2003 .net

All Consuming Windows Forms Programming in C#


September 16, 2003 .net

See MSBuild.exe at the PDC


September 16, 2003 .net

The Future “Longhorn” Developer Center


September 15, 2003 .net

Be Interviewed by Sys-Con Radio @ the PDC


September 15, 2003 .net

Longhorn Rocks!


September 12, 2003 .net

Where do you want to go today, fritter?


September 12, 2003 .net

PDC2003 Blogging Site


September 11, 2003 .net

Implementing Drag and Drop in … WinForms!


September 6, 2003 .net

PDC/post-PDC Longhorn Online Plans?


September 3, 2003 .net

Handy .NET Generics Terms to Impress the Chicks


August 25, 2003 .net

PDC03 Conference Tracks and Breakout Sessions


August 20, 2003 .net

Permutations in .NET


August 19, 2003 .net

Buffering .NET Console Output


August 16, 2003 .net

Introducing Generics in the CLR


August 13, 2003 .net

Brent Rector on .NET Rocks!


August 8, 2003 .net

Visual Studio .NET Code Generator Shim


August 6, 2003 .net

Format Specifiers Appendix from C# in a Nutshell


August 5, 2003 .net

Don Box Sings


August 1, 2003 .net

More Free, Cool WinForms Controls


July 31, 2003 .net

Magic: The User Interface Library for .NET


July 29, 2003 .net

The Original .NET Redneck


July 29, 2003 .net

My First .NET Show


July 28, 2003 .net

SlashDot Review of Essential .NET


July 23, 2003 .net

Active Scripting for .NET


July 21, 2003 .net

.NET Delegates Are More Powerful Than You Think


July 18, 2003 .net

HTML Writer for .NET


July 13, 2003 .net

.NET Games Development Forum


July 10, 2003 .net

Quake II.NET in Managed C++


July 1, 2003 .net

Registration-less COM to .NET Wrapper Tool Beta


July 1, 2003 .net

VS.NET Project & Solution Converter


June 18, 2003 .net

Hosting Windows Forms Designers


June 16, 2003 .net

Releasing Nested Objects in Rotor


June 14, 2003 .net

nprof - Open-source .NET profiler


June 12, 2003 .net

Windows Forms Programming in C# on Amazon


June 11, 2003 .net

PowerToys for Visual Studio .NET 2003


June 8, 2003 .net

BinaryComboBox .NET released!


June 6, 2003 .net

Yet another C# feature creeps into Java


June 6, 2003 .net

Agile .NET Development mailing list


June 5, 2003 .net

Ref-Counting + Rotor Status


June 3, 2003 .net

Launching NTD Apps. w/ Command Line Args.


June 1, 2003 .net

SmartConsult .NET


May 31, 2003 .net

Code Library for .Net 3.0


May 31, 2003 .net

Feature packed “Date Picker” control for .NET!


May 23, 2003 .net

C#Builder and Borland Data Providers for .NET


May 16, 2003 .net

Customer Debug Probes and CLR SPY


May 7, 2003 .net

.Net develops advantages over Java


April 30, 2003 .net

Reflector.NET Author Starts a Blog


April 29, 2003 .net

Updated XsdClassesGen for VS.NET 2003


April 29, 2003 .net

Updated CollectionGen for VS.NET 2002 & 2003


April 25, 2003 .net

Hippo.NET Build Tool Released


April 23, 2003 .net

Programming WinForms with MC++


April 22, 2003 .net

C# Builder sneak preview


April 22, 2003 .net

Borland details .NET development tools


April 19, 2003 .net

New OpenGL binding for .NET


April 17, 2003 .net

WinForms Design-Time Integration, Part 2


April 16, 2003 .net

Essential .NET Nominated for Reader’s Choice Award


April 15, 2003 .net

C# Programmers Out-Earn VB.NET Programmers by 26%


April 10, 2003 .net

Visual Studio .NET 2003 now available


April 10, 2003 .net

Source Code to RegexDesigner .NET


April 10, 2003 .net

.NET Framework SDK Version 1.1


April 9, 2003 .net

.NET Framework Version 1.1 Redistributable


April 9, 2003 .net

.NET v1.1 Changes from v1.0


April 4, 2003 .net

ORM.NET v1.4 - auto-generate an ADO.NET data layer


April 3, 2003 .net

ISO Certification of C# and the CLI


March 31, 2003 .net

Great .net resources article


March 27, 2003 .net

C# Futures


March 18, 2003 .net

Design-Time WinForms Component Integration, part 1


March 15, 2003 .net



March 12, 2003 .net

Serialization Basics, Part 3 of 3


March 8, 2003 .net

nprof - Open-source .NET profiler


March 7, 2003 .net

What’s New in WinForms 1.1


March 7, 2003 .net

Serialization Basics, Part 2 of 3


March 7, 2003 .net

Serialization Basics, Part 1 of 3


February 22, 2003 .net

The Last Configuration Handler I’ll Ever Need


February 21, 2003 .net

.Net Patent Bid Prompts Concern


February 19, 2003 .net

Understanding ThreadAbortException


February 19, 2003 .net

eXtensible C#© Is Here!


February 18, 2003 .net

.NET Reverse Engineering Techniques


February 16, 2003 .net



February 16, 2003 .net

No touch deployment


February 14, 2003 .net

More Safe Serialization for .NET


February 14, 2003 .net

Distributed .NET Newsletter


February 14, 2003 .net

Data Tier Modeler for .Net - O/R mapping tool


February 13, 2003 .net

Oracle Data Provider for .NET


February 12, 2003 .net

TaskVision: Web Deployed WinForms Sample


February 12, 2003 .net

eXtensible C# Provides Compile-Time Attributes


February 11, 2003 .net

.Net Microsoft patent


February 11, 2003 .net

Windows Forms Smart Client Sample


February 7, 2003 .net

Running Multiple Versions of .NET Side-by-Side


February 6, 2003 .net

.Net Framework XML Namespaces and Classes


January 31, 2003 .net

.NET Bugs Registry


January 30, 2003 .net

Sam .NET Blog has changed locations and technology


January 28, 2003 .net

Editor for Web.Config files in ASP.NET


January 24, 2003 .net

ASP.NET: Tips and Tricks


January 22, 2003 .net

Free VS.NET Trial DVD


January 22, 2003 .net

CodeSmith Integrated into VS.NET


January 21, 2003 .net

Another C# Refactoring Tool


January 21, 2003 .net

Talking C#/CLR with Microsoft


January 20, 2003 .net

COM & WinForms…Happy together?


January 20, 2003 .net

C# and Java: Comparing Programming Languages


January 16, 2003 .net

25 silly reasons why .NET is better than java


January 13, 2003 .net

.NET Rocks Interview: .NET Success Stories


January 13, 2003 .net

ASP.NET: Blackbelt Web Form Programming


January 12, 2003 .net

Dynamic Aspect-Weaving with .NET


January 12, 2003 .net

Aspect-Oriented Programming with C# and .NET


January 11, 2003 .net

25 pathetic attempts to make .NET look bad


January 11, 2003 .net

What’s New in VS.NET 2003


January 11, 2003 .net

.NET ResourceExplorer


January 10, 2003 .net

Jeff Key’s .NET Samples


January 6, 2003 .net

Conferences Re-Tooled for .NET?


December 31, 2002 .net

“When I first heard about .NET, I held my nose”


December 30, 2002 .net



December 28, 2002 .net

.NET Wrappers for NVIDIA’s Cg API


December 24, 2002 .net

ADO.NET PowerToys


December 20, 2002 .net

DirectX 9.0 Release with .NET Support


December 18, 2002 .net

AspectC#: An AOSD implementation for C#.


December 18, 2002 .net

Jabber for Mono .NET


December 16, 2002 .net

.NET Data-Bound TreeView Control


December 16, 2002 .net

Alintex Script Host brings scripting to .NET


December 13, 2002 .net

Windows Forms Layout


December 12, 2002 .net

Microsoft Releases MapPoint .NET Version 3.0


December 12, 2002 .net

.NET Image Re-Coloring


December 12, 2002 .net

Current Project Command Prompt for VS.NET


December 12, 2002 .net

VS.NET 2003 Pre/Post-Build Steps in C# Projects


December 12, 2002 .net

High Perf. Image Processing in .NET Clients


December 10, 2002 .net

Info.NET, similar to Dashboard on MSN 8


December 10, 2002 .net

.NET Passport Manager Source Licensing Program


December 9, 2002 .net

Mono Runs ASP.NET


December 9, 2002 .net

Web Services Enhancements 1.0 for Microsoft .NET


December 9, 2002 .net

Web Services Enhancements for .NET


December 3, 2002 .net

Browse Rotor source code online


November 29, 2002 .net

.NET Rocks Interviews Chris Sells


November 26, 2002 .net

The .NET Show: The Compact Framework


November 22, 2002 .net

.NET Refactoring Tool Enters Beta


November 19, 2002 .net

Building Secure ASP.NET Applications


November 18, 2002 .net

‘Essential .NET’ is shipping in the UK


November 17, 2002 .net

Download the Visual Studio .NET 2003 Final Beta


November 14, 2002 .net

WinForms Data Validation


November 14, 2002 .net

WinForms Auto-Scaling


November 14, 2002 .net

Increasing Permissions for WinForms Smart Clients


November 14, 2002 .net

Runtime code generation in JVM and CLR


November 14, 2002 .net

C# and Java: The Smart Distinctions


November 13, 2002 .net

New C# features: whitepaper now available


November 11, 2002 .net

The Everett Visual C++.NET features


November 9, 2002 .net

New C# Language Features (someday)


November 8, 2002 .net

Pragmatic ADO.NET in stock!


November 8, 2002 .net

Visual C++ and C# Updates In Everette


November 6, 2002 .net

Essential .NET, by Don Box, in stock!


November 6, 2002 .net

Beta 2 of the Microsoft .NET Speech SDK


November 5, 2002 .net

Rotor 1.0 Released


November 5, 2002 .net

Project Mono Does SQL / Windows / ASP.NET


October 31, 2002 .net

New Editor for ORA’s .NET DevCenter


October 29, 2002 .net

Pet Shop 2.0: Java vs. .NET


October 29, 2002 .net

X-Code .NET: writing code with code for .NET

Here“NET“. X-Code .NET is like classic X-Code, except that it’s based on JScript .NET instead of classic JScript.” I’m very happy to see Shawn, a...

October 29, 2002 .net

Visual Studio .NET Info Center


October 29, 2002 .net

.NET Pet Shop 2


October 29, 2002 .net

Essential .NET Security


October 29, 2002 .net

Free, Non-Commercial Edition of Eiffel for .NET


October 13, 2002 .net

The .NET Show: The Developer Roadmap


October 12, 2002 .net

ISO close to approving C#, CLI as standards


October 11, 2002 .net

Microsoft’s singing in C#


October 11, 2002 .net

SQL Server Centric .NET Code Generator


October 8, 2002 .net

.NET Rocks Interviews Mark Anders


October 4, 2002 .net

.NET Saves Boy Down Well


October 1, 2002 .net

.NET Evangelist


September 30, 2002 .net

Apache Support For ASP.NET Web Services


September 27, 2002 .net

Caught in .NET


September 24, 2002 .net

.NET Rocks Interviews Juval Löwy


September 23, 2002 .net

$50 million from HP, Microsoft for .Net


September 23, 2002 .net

Why .NET will conquer the world


September 19, 2002 .net

.NET Framework 1.1 Beta Available


September 19, 2002 .net

.NET Framework 1.1 Beta Overview


September 17, 2002 .net

Keep your Beans out of .Net


September 16, 2002 .net

.NET Compact Framework Tools and Samples


September 13, 2002 .net

QuickCode for .NET

Here would expand to an entire property implementation. It works for C# and VB.NET and appears to be very flexible...

September 12, 2002 .net

KDE To Support .NET


September 12, 2002 .net

foreach is Your Friend: Part 2


September 12, 2002 .net

Multithreaded .NET Web Service Clients


September 12, 2002 .net

Rich Client Database Interactions with ADO.NET


September 10, 2002 .net

Standard Conformance Features in Visual C++.NET


September 5, 2002 .net

A Second Look at Windows Forms Multithreading


September 5, 2002 .net

Bamboo.Prevalence: a .NET object prevalence engine


September 4, 2002 .net

Updated VS.NET Fun Facts


September 4, 2002 .net

New .NET Remoting Open Source Project


September 2, 2002 .net

ASP.NET View State Decoder


September 1, 2002 .net

“Spend a Day with .NET” Judges Judging


August 30, 2002 .net

Day w/ .NET: Join us on IRC undernet channel #c#


August 30, 2002 .net

Today’s the Day to Spend with .NET!


August 29, 2002 .net

free .NET development environment


August 29, 2002 .net

“Spend A Day With .NET” Tomorrow!


August 25, 2002 .net

“Spend A Day With .NET” on August 30th


August 23, 2002 .net

foreach is Your Friend, part 1


August 22, 2002 .net

Second .NET Framework Service Pack


August 15, 2002 .net

Only Two More Weeks ’til Spend A Day With .NET!


August 14, 2002 .net

Borland Announces .NET with Delphi 7


August 13, 2002 .net

Wahoo! reinstated for .NET SP1!

SP1NETWahoo! siteMSI...

August 12, 2002 .net

WD-Mag Newsletter: Chris Sells on .NET


August 8, 2002 .net

.Net name ties Microsoft in knots

Here“’“‘ You’d have thought they would have learned their lesson from COM, OLE and ActiveX before this. I guess the slack caused by the Internet...

August 8, 2002 .net

Delphi for .NET compiler preview


August 7, 2002 .net

.NET Framework Service Pack 2


August 5, 2002 .net

WinForms Over the Web

the local Portland Area .NET User’s GroupDevelopMentor’s Essential WinForms course...

August 4, 2002 .net

.NET Compact Framework Discussion List is Online


August 3, 2002 .net

Mike Lehman’s BugTracker.net Released


July 31, 2002 .net

.NET FxCop Updated to Version 1.072


July 31, 2002 .net

Mastering Visual Studio .NET sample chapters


July 31, 2002 .net

Visual C++ 7 speed vs Visual C# speed


July 27, 2002 .net

ASP.NET state management with style (& attributes)


July 25, 2002 .net

VS.NET Update


July 25, 2002 .net

.NET HandleCollector source and sample


July 25, 2002 .net

The Rotor Architecture Revisited


July 25, 2002 .net

George Shepherd’s Windows Forms FAQ


July 25, 2002 .net

Wonders of Windows Forms: You Can Take It with You


July 24, 2002 .net

ASP.NET - It’s not just for IIS anymore….


July 23, 2002 .net

J2EE versus .NET Part I


July 19, 2002 .net

.NET Compact Framework Reference Site


July 16, 2002 .net

Microsoft improving .Net Framework


July 16, 2002 .net

Microsoft Maps Out Next .Net Framework


July 9, 2002 .net

Dynamic Forms for .NET


July 4, 2002 .net

URL Rewriting with ASP.NET


July 3, 2002 .net

Library for reading CLI files


July 1, 2002 .net

Updated .NET CollectionGen


June 29, 2002 .net

Safe, Simple Multithreading in Windows Forms


June 28, 2002 .net

SML.NET: Functional programming on the .NET CLR


June 28, 2002 .net



June 27, 2002 .net

CoolBars.NET v. 1.1 released


June 26, 2002 .net

Creating a Design Surface in .NET


June 25, 2002 .net

Shared Source CLI Update


June 20, 2002 .net

Under the Lid of Open Source .NET CLI Impls


June 19, 2002 .net

Melbourne .NET User Group Hosts WDN RSS Feed


June 19, 2002 .net

VS.NET Google Search Macro


June 19, 2002 .net

Flat Controls for WinForms


June 19, 2002 .net

WANTED! Starting Work on a Windows Forms Project?


June 19, 2002 .net

A Windows Forms Application Desktop Toolbar


June 18, 2002 .net

The .NET Cost: Who Pays? (3 of 3)


June 17, 2002 .net

The ASP.NET Web Matrix Project


June 11, 2002 .net

Adding Ref-Counting to Rotor

“Microsoft has granted Sells Brothers, Inc. a research grant to add ref-counting to Rotor and to study the performance effects. There’s been a lot...

June 11, 2002 .net

A compiler-writer’s guide to C#

“Plan: Give overview of language from point of view of compiler writer Code generation for CLR is trival, so we’ll focus on type checking...

June 9, 2002 .net

Pragmatic ADO.NET, Chapter 6: Typed DataSets

“In Chapter 5, I extolled the virtues of setting up your DataSets like in-memory databases. Unfortunately I asked you to write quite a bit of code...

June 8, 2002 .net

Mono 0.12 is out!

“More classes! More working code! Better compiler! Faster runtime! Less bugs!”...

June 7, 2002 .net

BoxDB for .NET - Beta Testers Needed

“We are currently conducting an open beta-test. “Built Software recently released the first beta of BoxDB for .NET, a library designed to simplify...

June 5, 2002 .net

Updated .NET Instant Messager Client Library

Harry Pierson has made a number of updates to this core code to support his full-blown .NET IM client application. Check it out...

May 30, 2002 .net


is the CLR language “[c]ombining the speed, safety and productivity of ML and Caml with the libraries, tools and cross-language working of .NET”...

May 29, 2002 .net

Microsoft .NET Pet Shop vs. Sun Java Pet Store

″…the .NET Pet Shop performs over 10 times faster than Oracle’s Java Pet Store based on Oracle’s latest (questionable) published data.”...

May 28, 2002 .net

noMadMap: Compact .NET + MapPoint .NET

One man’s journey to hook up two beta technologies and the hilarity that ensues...

May 27, 2002 .net

MonoLOGO: An implementation of LOGO for .NET

“MonoLOGO provides access to all .NET constructs from within LOGO. Its goal to be 99% compliant with Berkeley LOGO (there are a few internal UCBLogo...

May 26, 2002 .net

Demeanor for .NET, Enterprise Edition

“Demeanor for .NET Enterprise Edition provides the most sophisticated obfuscation and optimization available for your .NET applications. Demeanor...

May 23, 2002 .net

Adding Custom VB.NET Project Item Template Wizards to VS.NET

by Michael Weinhardt This article describes how to implement a VB.NET version of Chris Sells’s Project Item Template sample...

May 21, 2002 .net

Windows Forms message board

GotDotNet has a message board just for WinForms programmers...

May 21, 2002 .net

.NET Component Inspector

“Have you ever wished you could explore the behavior of a component or some code without having to write any code? To watch events occur on any...

May 21, 2002 .net

Wonders of WinForm: State Sanity & Smart Clients

“I’d like to welcome you to the inaugural article of my new MSDN Online column. From the title of this column, you can probably tell two things...

May 21, 2002 .net

Adding Ref-Counting to Rotor

“Studying the Performance and Memory Usage Effects of Adding Reference Counting to Rotor.”CLR...

May 20, 2002 .net

.Net Data Provider for PostgreSQL Announced

“Npgsql .Net Data Provider for PostgreSQL. It is written entirely in C#. This data provider supports the version 2.0 of PostgreSQL protocol. “It is...

May 18, 2002 .net

JasonW on Rotor (very cool!)

the Shared Source CLICLRCLRJIT...

May 17, 2002 .net

XML Comments Let You Build Docs from C# Source

“CXMLXMLThis articleXMLXML”...

May 17, 2002 .net

Data Binding in Windows Forms Applications

databinding in WinForms...

May 14, 2002 .net

Fujitsu NetCOBOL™ for .NET Ready To Ship

Don’t miss COBOL for .NET! “NetCOBOL ™ opens doors to leverage existing COBOL code while taking advantage of the innovative Microsoft .NET platform.”...

May 14, 2002 .net

SQL Server Centric .NET Code Generator

“SQL Server Centric .NET Code Generator (code named OlyMars) is both a flexible and powerful code generator based on database modeling. “It allows...

May 14, 2002 .net

.NET ANY where, ANY time and on ANY device

From Razvan Caciula: “The objective for the iNET development team is to re-create the complete .NET deployment framework entirely in Java.” “For...

May 13, 2002 .net

C# samples to customize the WebBrowser control

C# samplesTed Faison“...

May 13, 2002 .net

Generics for C# and CLR

CLRan extended version of C#...

May 10, 2002 .net

Adding Custom Project Item Templates to VS.NET

This article describes how to add a custom project item wizard to the Add New Item dialog in Visual Studio .NET. Instead of building a custom...

January 6, 2002 .net

VS.NET Fun Facts

After about a month of banging my head on it, Visual Studio.NET has become my favorite IDE of all time. To save you the bruising,...

May 18, 2001 .net

Generics for C# and .NET CLR

a small site dedicated to the .NET generics research...