June 5, 2007 fun

What’s your programmer personality type?

What’s your programmer personality type?

programmer personality typeDHSBYou’re a Doer.You are very quick at getting tasks done. You believe the outcome is the most important part of a task...

June 5, 2007

LoadWithPartialName, I miss you…

LoadWithPartialName, I miss you…

When you make a call to LoadWithPartialName in .NET 2.0, you get the standard compiler error that you’re using an obsolete function: The problem is,...

June 4, 2007 fun

A really bad optimization

A really bad optimization

I always knew that the scientists would optimize away sending the matter when all they need is to send the state: “A team of physicists has...

May 30, 2007 fun

Microsoft Surface

Microsoft Surface

the Microsoft Surface web site“““...

May 28, 2007 spout writing

Why do we pick on journalism majors, so?

Why do we pick on journalism majors, so?

Here’s another one: For example, if we had had a background in journalism, we might have used one-based indexing instead of zero-based indexing...

May 28, 2007 spout writing

Sometimes I crack myself up

Sometimes I crack myself up

I forgot until the copy edit review process that I’d dropped this gem into a footnote: On August 4th, 1997, the world’s oldest person so far,...

May 19, 2007

Heard in the halls at RailsConf 2007

Heard in the halls at RailsConf 2007

I was passing a young, blue-haired photographer-ess who said the following to a gentleman she wanted to smile for a picture: “Just think about...

May 11, 2007

Dogfood — it ain’t just for dogs

Dogfood — it ain’t just for dogs

a new way to format text for online reading...

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