
September 13, 2015 colophon

Moved to Blot

You’re reading this on the 5th version of my blog. The first was a set of static text files I managed in FrontPage. The editing was nice (once it...

September 5, 2015 colophon

Blog Past and Future

This blog started as a single static page in 1995 as a set of links to provide to my students while I was teaching at DevelopMentor. I would like to...

May 20, 2010 colophon

a whole new

The new implementation has been a while in the making. In fact, I’ve had the final art in my hands since August of 2005. I’ve...

April 17, 2003 colophon

Major Retrofit for ASP.NET 1.0

This site, the logo, business cards and t-shirts were designed by guonan. She’s got an amazing style and she’s very easy to work with. The...

January 1, 1995 colophon

Initial Launch
