Dirty Publishing Secret: Indexes Suck
I hate to say it, but indexes are the one place where I skimp when writing a book. I go round and round on sentence structure, figures, story, flow,...
I hate to say it, but indexes are the one place where I skimp when writing a book. I go round and round on sentence structure, figures, story, flow,...
Even the first 10 minutes of the 1st lecture of the MIT lectures on “Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs” is amazing. “In Computer...
DISCLAIMER: Obviously, this completely violates George Carlin’s copyright, but I purchased the $80 CD box set and it wasn’t on there, so I feel like...
I know the phrase “building consensus” is a touchy, feelie term, but it’s the best description of one of the most important skills a PM can have. As...
I think the title says it all: if you’re a PM, you’ve got to communicate. That includes to your team, your management, your partners and your...
I’ve been a Program Manager (PM) at Microsoft now for about 2.5 years. Before that, I’ve been a managing contractor, a lead author, an engineering...
HereThe nice folks at GotDotNet have decided in their infinite wisdom to move all of the workspaces to a new hierarchy w/o forwarding the URLs and...
It goes without saying that MSDN Magazine doesn’t let the authors pick the titles (who can forget Don’s The Active Template Library Makes Building...