October 31, 2003 .net

The MSDN Longhorn Developer Center Web Site

Here. Sorry for the delay in announcing this, but I had a devil of a time posting blog entries from the PDC. Anyway, the thing I’ve been working on for the last six months in now live and I’ve you to take a look and tell me what you think. If you’re a developer interested in knowing about Longhorn so that you can make decisions on your current projects or so you can dive right in and program against the PDC bits, this is the site for you. The LHDC includes community news on the Editor’s Blog (the Longhorn” category of this blog), tons of articles and whitepapers (with more to come), links to Longhorn samples, directions for MSDN subscribers that want the bits but weren’t able to come to the PDC, the Longhorn newsgroups hosted on the web in case you don’t like using a newsreader, the Longhorn SDK (with live annotations) and more as I think of it. Enjoy.