February 12, 2005 .net

Service Contracts in Indigo

Service Contracts in Indigo

the basics of specifying a service contract in Indigo...

February 12, 2005 spout

Airing The Dirty Laundry

Airing The Dirty Laundry

I was sitting at Jim Blizzard’s going away party the other night when my phone rang. This was the side of the conversation that the Portland nerds...

February 12, 2005 spout

Experimenting with Windows Alternatives

Experimenting with Windows Alternatives

When I used to teach COM, we would brag about its cross-platform-ness, i.e. it worked across Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4, etc. So, when I’m...

February 11, 2005 spout

i-mate SP3 Smartphone: How do I love thee?

i-mate SP3 Smartphone: How do I love thee?

Let me count the ways: Pocket-sized and no bigger than my old dumb phone and tons smaller than tricorder-sized PDAs Synchronized calendar, contacts...

February 11, 2005 spout

Local Boy Does Good

Local Boy Does Good

Microsoft’s own Robert Scoble has broken his way into the secular press, with an article in both Fortune (Why There’s No Escaping the Blog) and The...

February 11, 2005 fun

Project Manager Leavers Suicide PPT Presentation

Project Manager Leavers Suicide PPT Presentation

HereScott Hanselman IM’d me this Onion piece and I just had to share it. I don’t want to spoil it with quotes; just read it and tell me if you don’t...

February 10, 2005 .net

Smart Client Patterns & Practices Survey

Smart Client Patterns & Practices Survey

“The Smart Client Team at Microsoft patterns & practices needs your feedback to evaluate the need of guidance for devices based Smart Clients...

February 10, 2005

Google Site Search *Is* Working!

Google Site Search *Is* Working!

that I wasn’t using on my web pages, but just left ’cuz “it wasn’t hurting anything.” Removing the outer form let the inner Google site search form...

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