March 30, 2005 fun

Another Laugh Out Loud TechEd Video

Another Laugh Out Loud TechEd Video

Scott and Rory do it again...

March 30, 2005 spout

Leaders and Legacy

Leaders and Legacy

For an internal thingie, I was asked to write a short bio, define what I think a “leader” is, describe my target legacy and list my biggest source...

March 30, 2005 spout

I can feel Avalon changing me…

I can feel Avalon changing me…

I’m writing a tiny little application for my writing on ClickOnce in Avalon. In fact, to demonstrate ClickOnce, the app hardly matters, so I picked...

March 29, 2005 tools

Translate C# To And From VB.NET As You Type!

Translate C# To And From VB.NET As You Type!

Carlos Aguilar MaresSDEMSa fabulous C# to/from VB.NET code translation tool...

March 29, 2005 fun

Betsy’s Got Them GotDotNet Blues

Betsy’s Got Them GotDotNet Blues

Betsy Aoki, the matriarch of GotDotNet, sings a song of GDN Blues. And not only did she write and sing the song (with a surprisingly good voice for...

March 29, 2005 spout

La Vida Robot

La Vida Robot

This story of a set of illegal alien high school students from the wrong side of the tracks in Phoenix competing against MIT college students...

March 28, 2005 .net

Steve Maine on Indigo Duplex Contracts

Steve Maine on Indigo Duplex Contracts

Brain.Save()the description of a set of duplex contracts in Indigo...

March 25, 2005 .net

March Avalon/Indigo CTP Available for Public Download

March Avalon/Indigo CTP Available for Public Download

It took a coupla days more than we wanted ’cuz I was fighting with some internal tools, but the March 2005 Avalon/Indigo CTP is available for public...

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