June 9, 2001 spout

Choose Your Defaults Carefully

Saturday, 6/9/01

In the last week, I’ve been bitten twice by developers that have chosen defaults poorly and, therefore, have adversely affected my life. The first was on my Nokia phone. I was in a meeting” with some of my key engineers (read: we were goofing off at a movie on a Thursday afternoon), and I had set my phone to Silent mode. Now, I have a Nokia 8260 (blue) that I dearly love. It kicks butt on the silly Ericsson that I used to have. However, I noticed when I came out of the meeting that their had been several calls from my blushing bride. The Nokia is cool not only because it’s small enough to fit into my pocket (where I keep it during our meetings”), but also because it has a vibrate mode. So, I figured that if the phone was in Silent mode, but the phone was still on, if someone called, I’d get the vibrate in my pocket (separate from my change and my keys to honor the spirit of the Nokia Silent profile). Unfortunately, this was not the case. Calls came in, but no vibration was forthcoming. This happened a couple more times in the next few days until I had a free moment to check the settings for Silent mode (ironically this free moment came while waiting for another movie to start today — “Operation: Swordfish,” which I enjoyed, btw). The default for the vibrate setting in the Silent profile was *off*. How could this possibly be right? It’s a phone! It’s on! Sure, I want it silent so it doesn’t bug people around me, but I still want to know when someone calls! Hence the vibrate mode! Needless to say, my blushing bride was less than pleased.

The second time that incorrect defaults interrupted my life happened to be a bug recently found in Gen. Because Gen installs some COM components, we require it to be installed by an account that’s part of the Administrator group. Unfortunately, the bug is that once Gen is installed, another user can’t use it on that machine unless they are also part of the Administrator group. Of course, since 98% of developers run with Admin privileges on their own machines, this bug was never reported by the secular community. So how did we find it? It was reported by none other than Keith Mr. Security” Brown, who was experimenting with running at a lower level of security for some perverse purposes that I can only imagine… Anyway, when Keith calls you with a security bug, you listen (at least it was the good kind of security bug, i.e. offering less access then we should instead of more. I can only imagine what the phone call would be like if Keith discovers that we’ve opened a hole…). The problem with security? Defaults.

The author of CRegKey, a class in ATL we were using to read the serial number out of the Registry, built in a default access level setting. We use the Registry key when our tools are started to make sure that user has a valid serial number on their machine — standard stuff. You need to be an Admin to write the key, but you shouldn’t have to be just to read it. However, the default setting in the CRegKey::Open method is set to allow read-write permissions, as show here:

LONG Open(HKEY hKeyParent, LPCTSTR lpszKeyName, REGSAM samDesired = KEY_ALL_ACCESS);

The developer who wrote the code (let’s call him Shawn”), being a human with many tasks interested in doing them all efficiently, left off the default value, assuming that the default would be read-only. This was the correct assumption to make if you assume that the CRegKey author was specifying his defaults properly. Unfortunately, he wasn’t, so when we tried to merely read the SN out of the Registry, we were asking for read-write permissions, and the read failed, causing the SN validation to fail, keeping Keith from using Gen and motivating him to call me and complain about it. All due to bad defaults.

Rules for Defaults

Defaults are often set to save typing. That’s a bad idea. If the Nokia guy and the CRegKey guy had but followed the these simple rules for determining defaults, my life would have been better:

  1. Apply the principle of least surprise.” I’m sure he didn’t invent this rule, but it’s one I learned from Don Box and it sticks with me as one of the seven good ideas” that exist in our field (a story all its own). The principle of least surprise says that you make interface design decisions based on what people expect. Shawn expected the default access level to be read-only. I expected my phone to vibrate in Silent mode. Pretend that the default isn’t even an option. What would people expect?
  2. Minimize the harm of inadvertently choosing the default. Assuming the defaults are not changed (a very common occurrence), what bad things could happen? If the default had been read-only on CRegKey, unit testing a code path that required read-write would have immediately uncovered that greater access was needed, a fix could have been immediately supplied and no harm done (except some extra typing). However, because the default was read-write, we introduce an invisible bug that Keith has to find. Likewise, if the default had been vibrate in Silent mode, when a call came in, it would still have been silent, but I would have been notified of the call. Again, no harm (assuming no holes in your pockets and that you’re wearing underwear). However, because of the default, I missed calls and angered my wife. That didn’t happen with the Ericsson.
  3. Change defaults sparingly. Once you’ve chosen your defaults and released your thing, people are going to learn those defaults and depend on them. For example, we can’t go back into our ATL source and update the default to CRegKey::Open because we’ve got all kinds of code paths through our code depending on the default. If you change a default, even if the default was set incorrectly to begin with, you’re doing more harm than good. Unless you can change the defaults without inducing harm, don’t.

Unfortunately, not all developers follow these rules, so when you make use of defaults, please double-check them first.