August 20, 2005 spout

The List

The List

Lord keep me off of the list of people that don’t have to go through regular security checks: “The Aug. 5 memo recommends reducing patdowns by...

August 19, 2005 spout

Cool New IVR Feature

Cool New IVR Feature

In a (very) past life, I used to write intergrated voice response (IVR) systems aka “voicemail hell.” It may not seem like it, but we spent a *ton*...

August 12, 2005 spout

Chris does the Half Monty

Chris does the Half Monty

HereThe one where I shake my booty up on stage in Reno...

August 12, 2005 tools

Very Cool Nullable Fix

Very Cool Nullable Fix

NET 2.0 has the idea of a “nullable” type built right in, e.g. Nullable x = null; // legal This adds nullability to value types as well as...

August 12, 2005 spout

The Half Monty

The Half Monty

I spent last weekend in Reno with Joel, my fraternity brother, wife’s sister’s husband and business partner (we have an investing business). We’d...

August 11, 2005 tools

What should I do w/ the metadata?

What should I do w/ the metadata?

Imagine I’ve got some “metadata” that describes some functionality of my system, e.g. the command line parameters to a tool: Once I have this...

August 5, 2005 fun

Fight Club Rules 9-16

Fight Club Rules 9-16

Fight Clubthe rest of the Fight Club rules...

August 5, 2005 fun

I Love Arguing with Ian

I Love Arguing with Ian

HereIan and I submitted the final manuscript for Programming Avalon, Beta Edition, on July 13th (right on time, I’ll point out). Since then, the...

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