November 11, 2008 oslo

Vim Support for MGrammar

Vim Support for MGrammar

Fredrik Eriksson...

November 6, 2008 conference

The DSL DevCon

The DSL DevCon

I’m thinking it’s time for another DevCon. I know it’s been a while since the last one (in fact, I hear there was some kind of petition to have...

November 6, 2008 oslo

Big, Juicy Video on M from Jon Flanders

Big, Juicy Video on M from Jon Flanders

a 39 minute screencast video introducing M to .NET developers...

November 6, 2008 oslo

Oslo: Using Mg to Define a To-Do Language

Oslo: Using Mg to Define a To-Do Language

Justin Bailey has built a little language in MGrammer to create tasks and even better, he’s provided a very tutorial on how he did it. Following...

November 3, 2008 oslo

Aaron Skonnard on “Oslo”

Aaron Skonnard on “Oslo”

pluralsighta very nice overview of “Oslo,”...

November 2, 2008 oslo

Oslo Week One Wrap-Up

Oslo Week One Wrap-Up

Oh my lord above. I have been working towards last week for about 3.5 years altogether. It started with an incubation in the Connected Systems...

October 27, 2008 osloeditorial

The Oslo Developer Center: Letter from the Editors

The Oslo Developer Center: Letter from the Editors

Welcome to the “Oslo” Developer Center, your one-stop shop for all things “Oslo.” Do you need to learn how M works (or what the heck it is?)? Do you...

October 24, 2008 tools

Tired of writing unit tests yourself? Try Pex!

Tired of writing unit tests yourself? Try Pex!

From the Pex site: “Pex (Program EXploration) produces a traditional unit test suite with high code coverage. … To do so, Pex performs a systematic...

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