January 20, 2009 oslofeaturedcontent

ExtractM “Oslo” Sample

ExtractM “Oslo” Sample

ExtractM is a sample command-line tool for extracting M source code from compiled M images“...

January 18, 2009 fun

There once was a man from Duluth

There once was a man from Duluth

nearly 40 years old; past his youth!But tonight with a smile,he swam non-stop for a mile.First time in his life - that’s the truth! I swam a mile...

January 18, 2009 oslo

Dan Vanderboom: Why Oslo Is Important

Dan Vanderboom: Why Oslo Is Important

I couldn’t have said it better myself...

January 16, 2009 oslo

SE Radio: Oslo with Don and Doug

SE Radio: Oslo with Don and Doug

Episode 123 of Software Engineering Radio is all about Oslo: “In this episode we discuss Microsoft’s OSLO platform with Doug Purdy and Don Box. We...

January 15, 2009 conference

DSL DevCon Pre-registration

DSL DevCon Pre-registration

There’s been such a flood of DSL DevCon talk proposals that I’ve had a hard time keeping up (although feel free to let those nice folks in Eclipse,...

January 13, 2009 oslo

MGraph: Taste Great, Less Filling

MGraph: Taste Great, Less Filling

Lars Corneliussen has a fun post entitled Microsoft “Oslo” MGraph - the next XML? He concludes by comparing JSON, XML and MGraph to represent the...

January 12, 2009 oslo

I’m speaking at VSone in Munich, Feb 11-12

I’m speaking at VSone in Munich, Feb 11-12

I’m giving two talks on model-driven development at VSone in Germany in Feb this year: the keynote and a dive into Oslo. If you’re in the...

January 9, 2009 oslo

Oslo Tool: SQL schema -> MSchema

Oslo Tool: SQL schema -> MSchema

designing and implementing an airline reservationa tool to convert existing SQL schema to M...

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