May 27, 2009 oslo

‘Oslo’, the May CTP and You” at the PDX Code Camp

I’ll be speaking at the Portland Code Camp on Saturday, May 30th, just as the May CTP of Oslo” is hot off the presses:

As you may or may not know, Oslo” is also a place. However, we’re not going to talk about that. Instead, Chris Sells, a member of the technical staff on the Microsoft Oslo” team, is going to give you a quick intro to Oslo,” including M” and Quadrant, taking you end-to-end on a few real-world-ish examples and then wave his hands furiously about the rest, begging you to give it a try and complain loudly and often so we can get it right before we ship v1.0.

Come one, come all! Bring a friend and get a free GUID!