June 20, 2005 spout

My Weekend

Dear Diary, this is how I spent my Father’s Day weekend:

  • Friday, 7:30am, dropped my family off at the airport so that they could visit relatives in MN
  • Saturday, 1am, sent around the check-in notice for my day job and went to bed
  • Saturday, 11am, woke up in book avoidance mode
  • Saturday, 3pm, started porting styles chapter to Avalon b1
  • Sunday, 4:30am, heard birds chirping, thought it would be a good idea to go to bed, still not done porting styles chapter and my butt hurts from sitting, plan to bring in a butt pillow tomorrow
  • Sunday, 4:31am, reflected on why I’m working so hard on a book when my readers feel the need to compare me unfavorably to certain rotund movie characters, resolve to stop writing books so I can have a life back that includes exercise (and doesn’t include reviewer feedback)
  • Sunday, 9:30am, woke up, called my Dad to wish him a happy father’s day, called my kids to hear them do the same for me
  • Sunday, 10:30am, back at it porting styles chapter (butt pillow in place)
  • Sunday, 1:30pm, finished porting styles chapter, started applying reviewer feedback
  • Sunday, 3:30pm, shipped out 2nd draft of styles chapter for 48-hour quick-turn review, started reading data binding chapter reviews
  • Sunday, 10:30pm, went to bed with data binding chapter only 1/3rd finalized
  • Monday, 5:30am, got up to make the trip to Redmond, didn’t finalize both chapters as per this weekend’s plan, but I’m so happy to not be applying reviewer feedback right now that I have a hard time caring
  • Monday, 1:33pm, composed this silly entry and working happily at my day job where reviewer feedback is not currently a part of my life