The Value of Scoble
There is huge value in Robert Scoble publicly criticizing his employer’s CEO. The value is this: when the GM of VSTS says “ask me anything you want” concerning a recent pricing controversy, you can have confidence that Robert is going to ask the hard questions and push out the results as unedited as MS PR will let him get away with (I detected no edits in this piece). The world may not like the answers he digs out, but because Robert is risk-his-job honest, you have a high degree of confidence that what he says is the truth as he finds it.
Robert Scoble has become the Geraldo Rivera of technology reporting. Even if MS took away Robert’s camcorder, I expect O’Reilly, Fawcette, CNET, ServerSide, CodeProject or any of a number of other technology eyeball companies to hand it right back to him.