March 31, 2005 needs an intern!

I am completely swamped this year and needs a serious upgrade, so, I’m looking for one or more interns interested in the following work:

  • rebuilding from scratch in ASP.NET 2.0 and either Community Server or dasBlog
  • real-world requirements like porting the existing content and keeping existing links working, even embedded links
  • real-world working conditions (like this is the entire spec of the site reimplementation)
  • working with a graphics artist to implement a new site design (I like Ed’s site)
  • experimenting with ways to close the gap on RSS comments based on work already done with the wfw:commentRss standard
  • hands-on mentoring from an experienced member of the Windows developer community (aka I promise to complain loud and long if you build stuff I don’t like… : )
  • exposing the complete content of the site for consumption by other web sites and smart clients
  • hosting MSDN content in the site’s chrome
  • no money, but you do get to brag about reimplementing one of the web’s most popular one-person developer-centric sites, serving almost 1M unique visitors/month
  • integrating existing features, like the Windows Forms FAQ and the Wahoo! check for the .NET Framework
  • free access to the new site for life for you and your ancestors (and let me throw in 256 free GUIDs while I’m at it… : )
  • integrating ads into the overall design
  • btw, did I mention there’s no money?

If you’re interested, drop me a line (I’m sure I’ll be flooded… : ).