August 19, 2003 spout

Buffering .NET Console Output

Doing some ad hoc benchmarks, I found that my compute/IO intensive program was significantly slower in .NET than in native C++ (here’s a more rigorous test showing the same thing). However, when the IO was taken out (Console.Write), the test showed that the computation in .NET and in native C++ was nearly the same (with C++ still having a slight edge).

My .NET IO code looked like this:

static void OutputIt(int[] vect) {
  for (int i = 0; i < vect.Length; ++i) {
    if( i > 0 ) Console.Write(”,“);

In tracking down this disparity, Courteney van den Berg noticed that, unlike STL IO streams in native C++, .NET Console output is not buffered. A simple manual buffering using a StringBuilder brings the performance of .NET back in line with native C++:

static void OutputIt(int[] vect) {
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  for (int i = 0; i < vect.Length; ++i) {
    if( i > 0 ) sb.Append(”,“);

Instead of buffering manually, I could have turned on buffered console IO by reopening console output with a buffer size:

static void Main(string[] args) {
  using( StreamWriter bufferOutput = new StreamWriter(Console.OpenStandardOutput(1024)) ) {
    // Use Console.Write (via OutputIt)…
// Remaining buffered Console output flushed

// Console output now buffered
static void OutputIt(int[] vect) {
  for (int i = 0; i < vect.Length; ++i) {
    if( i > 0 ) Console.Write(”,“);

Why isn’t Console output buffered by default? Unlike in C++, which has deterministic finalization, in .NET, console output would have to be manually flushed or closed (closing causes a flush). Failure to do so can cause console output to be incomplete at the end of a program. Notice our careful use of the “using” block in the code above, causing the output stream to be closed at the end of the block and the remaining buffered output to be flushed, even in the face of exceptions. Forgetting to use the using” block or forgetting to manually flush or close in a finally block, can cause console output to be lost. Rather than imposing the new burden of manually closing the console output, .NET architects opted to turn off buffering by default, while still letting you turn it on at will.