Windows Forms 2.0 Programming
The Book
Welcome to the home page for “Windows Forms 2.0 Programming,” by Chris Sells and Michael Weinhardt, available from Amazon.
The Source
The Table of Contents
- Foreword
- Preface
- Chapter 1 Hello, Windows Forms
- Chapter 2 Forms
- Chapter 3 Dialogs
- Chapter 4 Layout
- Chapter 5 Drawing Basics
- Chapter 6 Drawing Text
- Chapter 7 Advanced Drawing
- Chapter 8 Printing
- Chapter 9 Components
- Chapter 10 Controls
- Chapter 11 Design-Time Integration: The Properties Window
- Chapter 12 Design-Time Integration: Designers and Smart Tags
- Chapter 13 Resources
- Chapter 14 Applications
- Chapter 15 Settings
- Chapter 16 Data Binding Basics
- Chapter 17 Applied Data Binding
- Chapter 18 Multithreaded User Interfaces
- Chapter 19 ClickOnce Deployment
- Appendix A What’s New in Windows Forms 2.0
- Appendix C Delegates and Events
- Appendix D Component and Control Survey
- Appendix E Drag and Drop
- Appendix F Document Management
- Bibliography
- Index
The 1st Edition

The source code, sample chapters and errata for the 1st edition, Windows Forms Programming in C# and Windows Forms Programming in VB.NET, are available below.
Also, “Windows Forms Programming in C#,” on which the 2e was based, was awarded the 1st runner-up in the Best .NET Books/Training Software category of the 2005 .NET Developer’s Journal Reader’s Choice Awards. I’d like to thank the academy…
The 1e Source
- 1e sample source code for Visual Studio 2002 and the .NET Framework 1.0 in C#
- 1e sample source code for Visual Studio 2002 and the .NET Framework 1.0 in VB.NET
- 1e sample source code for Visual Studio 2003 and the .NET Framework 1.1 in C#
- 1e sample source code for Visual Studio 2003 and the .NET Framework 1.1 in VB.NET
- 1e document management sample source code for Visual Studio 2003 and the .NET Framework 1.1 in C#
The 1e Sample Chapters
- Foreword by Mike Blaszczak (C#)
- Forewords by Alan Cooper & Ted Pattison (VB.NET)
- Preface (C#)
- Chapter 9: Design-Time Integration (C#)
- Chapter 9: Design-Time Integration (VB.NET)
- Index (C#)