
August 16, 2012 win8 telerik

Telerik Loves Windows 8 and Visual Studio 2012 RTMs!

Yesterday’s release of Visual Studio 2012 and Blend for Visual Studio 2012 marks the beginning of a new era. In some ways, VS2012 and Blend are...

March 12, 2012 telerik win8

WinJS Promises: then and done

As of the Windows Consumer Preview (aka Win8 Beta), the WinJS promises object has a “done” method as well as a “then” method. The “done” method is...

February 29, 2012 tools win8 telerik

What’s New in the Beta Metro/JS Templates for VS11

The Consumer Preview of Windows 8 (aka the Win8 beta) is now available for download, along with the matching Visual Studio 11 beta. You can download...

January 6, 2012 telerik win8

The Windows Libraries for JavaScript: Part I

DISCLAIMER: This post is targeted at the //build/ version of the Windows Developer Preview (aka Windows 8). Things are likely to change with future...

January 4, 2012 telerik win8

Metro style JS Apps in VS11 & Blend

DISCLAIMER: This post is targeted at the //build/ version of the Windows Developer Preview (aka Windows 8). Things are likely to change with future...

January 2, 2012 telerik win8

Your First Metro style App in JavaScript

DISCLAIMER: This post is targeted at the //build/ version of the Windows Developer Preview (aka Windows 8). Things are likely to change with future...