
December 16, 2007 money

XBOX 360 For Pennies a Day!

In 2006, I purchased an XBOX 360 bundle from CostCo for about $550, including the console, a game and two wireless controllers. In April of 2007, my...

September 1, 2007 money

20 Timeless Money Rules

Save yourself the Suzy whoever and read this instead: Be humble Take calculated risks Have an emergency fund Mix it up It’s the portfolio, stupid...

October 30, 2006 money

Mark Twain on Investing

OCTOBER: This is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks in. The other are July, January, September, April, November, May,...

January 20, 2005 money

20 is the new 30

kids coming home from college to live with their parents again’...

December 16, 2004 money

Products and Money

This one’s a double-header: Eric Sink talks about how to find a product to build (if you’re a micro-ISV). Joel talks about how much to charge for...

December 2, 2004 money

Annual Free Credit Report Available As Of 12/1/04

Since our credit scores have become such a big part of our lives, it has become federal law that everyone be able to get a free credit report...

May 1, 2004 money

Talking To Kids About Money

HereI found a new site focusing on a topic near and dear to my heart — educating kids about money — so I thought I’d log it for future reference...

May 1, 2004 money

Talking To Kids About Money

I’m a huge fan of talking to kids about money (actually, I’ll talk an adult’s ears off about money, too, if given half a chance – I once...

November 16, 2003 money

Looking for the Money Cat


October 8, 2003 money

Watching the ‘digital hand’


September 6, 2003 money

Bloomberg University: Required Reading


June 29, 2003 money

The “Average Return” Myth

Let’s say that you have $1000 to invest. The first year, you invest it and get a 25% return, so you leave your money invested. The next year,...

June 29, 2003 money

Chris’s Notes on The Instant Millionaire

Chris’s Notes on The Instant Millionaire: A Tale of Wisdom and Wealth, Mark Fisher, New World Library, 1991. I recommend this book for folks...

June 29, 2003 money

Chris’s Notes on Stock Options for Dummies

Chris’s Notes on Stock Options For Dummies, Alan R. Simon, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2001. I recommend this book for folks that need to know...

June 29, 2003 money

Chris’s Notes on All the Math You Need to Get Rich

Chris’s Notes on All the Math You Need to Get Rich: Thinking with Numbers for Financial Success, Robert L. Hershey, Open Court Pub Co, 2001....

June 29, 2003 money

Chris’s Notes on The Motley Fool Investment Guide

Chris’s Notes on The Motley Fool Investment Guide: How The Fool Beats Wall Streets Wise Men And How You Can Too, David Gardner, Tom Gardner,...

June 22, 2003 money

Chris’s Notes on Cashflow Quadrant

Chris’s Notes on Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom, Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon L. Lechter, Warner Books, April, 2000....

June 22, 2003 money

“Them that know, don’t tell”

In general, I suspect all members of the financial education market, from authors to radio talk show hosts and everyone in between. When I...