October 22, 2003 fun

The Cow Puncher Punchline

Here. I did remember the rest of the cow branding story from last night’s Portland Nerd Dinner: -I’m embarrassed to admit that it was I who paid the cowboy $2 to eat the newly harvested cow testicle -A few months later, Cal sent me a copy of the Klamath Falls Herald and News featuring a visit from Visiting Windows Expert Chris Sells” (or some such) shaking Cal’s hand. I don’t think it was the cow testicle incident that got me in the paper, but I try not too think about it too much BTW, if you’re on the fence about the Portland Nerd Dinners and you have trouble with conversations involving cow testicles, mafia hits or how to defraud the phone company, you might want to stay home for the next one…