July 4, 2003

Feedster Wars

Here. Now that Feedster’s so fast, it’s time for some wars: People: “dave winer”: 2875 “sam ruby”: 1547 “robert scoble”: 1359 “chris pirillo”: 936 ”.net guy”: 501 “don box”: 451 “chris sells”: 421 OSes: windows: 34,754 linux: 25,832 Platforms: .NET: 20,157 (capped to narrow down search) java: 16,536 Languages: java: 16,536 vb: 1551 c#: 1380 c++: 0 (I assume it’s a bug : ) Parts of .NET: winforms: 345 asp.net: 46 ado.net: 0 Heads of State: “bill gates”: 1348 “larry ellison”: 220 “scott mcnealy”: 134 Companies: microsoft: 29,215 sun: 22,349 (matching *lots* more than just Sun Microsystems) ibm: 8802 aol: 4524 oracle: 4273