January 23, 2003 spout

Sealed Sucks

I’ve come to the conclusion that the use of the sealed” keyword in C# (and the concept in .NET) should almost never be used, at least on a class. Semantically, sealed applied to a class means that a class cannot be used as a base class. For example, the ImageList class from the System.Windows.Forms namespace is sealed:

public sealed class System.Windows.Forms.ImageList : … { … }

What sealed means is that the designers of the ImageList class didn’t take the time to test what would happen in all the scenarios where an ImageList is specified but a subclass is provided, e.g. MyImageListEx2. So, since they didn’t test these scenarios, they’re protecting developers from deriving from the ImageList base class when bad things might happen. They’re also protecting developers if the base class changes radically in the future and derived classes no longer work.

Stop it!

I don’t want to be protected in this way! Instead, I want to try to derive from ImageList and see if it works in the scenarios in which I’m interested. And if future versions of the ImageList base class break my derived class, I want to update my derived class in ways that work across versions of the base class or have two versions or whatever else I need to do to make it work. By making a class sealed, I just don’t have any choice in the matter, which severely limits me in what I can do.

As an example, I think that the current ImageList implementation sucks in the following ways:

  • Every time you need to edit an image, you need to remove the old image and add it back again
  • Images are too small to see what they are
  • Can’t tag images with names

So, I’d like to build my own ImageList implementation that has the exact same programmatic interface, but that pulls images from manifest resources, fixing most of the issues above. All of the controls that take images get them from an ImageList type, so I need to provide my extra functionality in a type that’s compatible with ImageList. However, the only way to do that in .NET is via inheritance and the damn sealed attribute disables my ability to do that! Instead, I have to build a custom component that’s also an extender provider if I want to provide the same design-time usage as an ImageList and I have to tell developers using my image list component not to use any of the ImageList-related properties because it will conflict with mine. I literally can’t package my functionality in a way that’s developer-friendly in the same way as the ImageList and it’s all because it’s *sealed*!

Of course, the ImageList class isn’t the only one. I had a solution to the problem of asynchronous method calls to web services from WinForms apps the other day (the problem is that an extra hop is always required to get back to the UI thread), but my solution can’t work because the base delegate type required to make an asynch call is sealed. And the list goes on and on of things that I can’t do because somebody is protected” me from potential bad things.

Please, please, please, please, please don’t mark your classes sealed. If you do, folks that want to provide extended functionality, and test to make sure that it works the way it’s supposed to, don’t even have the option. Type compatibility is a huge deal when you’re dealing with class-based abstractions instead of interface-based abstractions and using the sealed keyword throws all of that away. The C++ community survived very nicely without sealed for a decade and it’s made half of the classes on my site possible.

You took away my deterministic finalization. Must you also take away my ability to derive?