
November 21, 2016 fun

Viking Me

Today, I was asked about the story behind my viking avatar: The avatar is years and years old. Peter Stern, a graphic designer friend of mine, put...

May 6, 2016 fun

Solitaire Redux

I’ve done a bunch of stuff related to Solitaire on my blog for some reason. I guess I’m a fan, although mostly these days I focusing my listening in...

August 26, 2010 fun

The Downside Of Working At Home

I’ve been working at home off and (mostly) on for 16 years… From Recommended...

May 7, 2010 fun

Working Hard: WhirlyBall

What my team does on an average Wednesday afternoon: It was surprisingly fun...

June 3, 2009 fun

Helping to set up fireworks for the 4th of July?


May 26, 2009 fun

Flinging My 60-year-old Mother High Into The Air

My mom came to visit to celebrate my 40th birthday and her 60th birthday. She and the Sells Brothers and I spent yesterday afternoon wandering along...

February 19, 2009 fun

I love Microsoft’s terrible automated voice attendant

Long-time readers may recall when I got an angry caller from a Vista user that had trouble configuring it the way they wanted it. They got to me...

January 18, 2009 fun

There once was a man from Duluth

nearly 40 years old; past his youth!But tonight with a smile,he swam non-stop for a mile.First time in his life - that’s the truth! I swam a mile...

December 16, 2008 fun

The Poker Brat

You may or may not know it, but I’m a big poker fan. For a while, I thought about quitting my job and being a Texas Holdem poker player. I’ve...

August 18, 2008 fun

DVDFab + My Own DVDs = Couch Convenience

I don’t know if it’s legal or not, but if you use DVDFab with the Mobile option set to XVID video + MP3 audio (both supported by the XBOX 360 if you...

February 1, 2008 fun

I woke up today and decided to win the lottery

And so I did the only thing I could to do increase my odds — I actually played the lottery. (I blame my inability to apply this strategy for my...

January 30, 2008 fun

Poetry Proclivities

I’m not a big poetry fan in general, but notable exceptions are Poe’s The Raven (especially the Simpson’s version), Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein....

December 27, 2007 fun

Fingerling Potato Baby Jesus

This is what happens...

December 11, 2007 fun

Here Comes Another Bubble sttto some Billy Joel song…

This is hilarious...

December 10, 2007 fun

Win a Trip to NYC + WPF Dream Machine with Your WPF Application Stylings!

The nice folks at Lab 49 are throwing a contest for WPF programmers. The goal: take the financial data they provide and build a kick-ass WPF app...

December 3, 2007 fun!

From Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House?: “When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, the daddy wants to give the mommy a special...

November 24, 2007 fun

Amazon Kindle Real-Life Review

I’ve posted about ebooks before (e.g. I Hate Books). It sounds like the Amazon Kindle has some real potential. All we need is a product with enough...

November 14, 2007 fun

Free copies of “Programming WPF” for YOU!

I just got a box full of free copies of Programming WPF from ORA. If you want one, post a comment on this post with a) a reason why you deserve one...

October 3, 2007 fun

Yahtzee Croshaw — You’re My Hero!

First it was the Halo 3 review (which I can’t agree or disagree with yet because I’m still stuck on level one) which a Wii zealot forwarded to me...

September 9, 2007 fun

I’m an “Uber Cool High Nerd”


June 5, 2007 fun

What’s your programmer personality type?

programmer personality typeDHSBYou’re a Doer.You are very quick at getting tasks done. You believe the outcome is the most important part of a task...

June 4, 2007 fun

A really bad optimization

I always knew that the scientists would optimize away sending the matter when all they need is to send the state: “A team of physicists has...

May 30, 2007 fun

Microsoft Surface

the Microsoft Surface web site“““...

April 27, 2007 fun

Shooting the Sh*t with Scott (part 1 of 2)

Scott came over to my house and we made up a topic (“Software: The Last Fifteen Years and the Next Fifteen Years” in two parts), but it’s really...

March 21, 2007 fun

Name Sara Williams’s Baby Girl

Today, Sara Williams, ex-Developer Relations Group (the folks at MS that were allowed to speak to developers before we had blogs), ex-MSDN head and...

February 8, 2007 fun

Slide your vote in for ScottH’s Podcast

I only listen to one podcast, so casting my vote for Hanselminutes on podcast alley’s list of top podcasts was a no-brainer. Plus, when I voted,...

February 3, 2007 fun

Stange But Real Facts

I don’t know how many of these are actually real (my left-handed son was very disappointed to hear that he’d be dying 9 years before his...

December 31, 2006 fun

On good days, I’m Iron Man…

superheroYou are Iron Man Iron Man 80% Spider-Man 70% Catwoman 55% Hulk 50% Green Lantern 50% The Flash 45% Robin...

December 26, 2006 fun

Special Holiday Episode IV: DBox and ChrisAn

″?Keeping up with their tradition, Don and Chris sing an inspired song for the holidays.” Merry & Happy...

December 21, 2006 fun

Somebody Diggs Me…

I don’t know why the MS interview page is suddenly digg-worthy after all these years, but it’s nice to be dugg: I’d like to thank the academy… P.S....

December 14, 2006 fun

Rory, Distilled

Lord knows, I love Rory, but easily my favorite thing are his comics. However, he doesn’t do enough of them, so if you’re looking for a...

November 11, 2006 fun

Pies & Marketing Guys

It all started with a bet that my new marketing guy could meet his promised numbers by a certain date. Figure 1 shows me reading his results report...

October 28, 2006 fun

Project Life Cycle

This one’s been around a while and just feels so true… Sat, 10/28/2006 10:24am...

October 18, 2006 fun

Imitation, Flattery, Nudity

From JJ5′s web site.Wed, 10/18/2006 11:08am (what a thing to see so early in the morning…)...

October 11, 2006 fun

The Positronic Man

From left to right, Ted Neward, Rocky Lhotka, Chris Sells’s cardboard cutout and his electronic image projected to building 33 in Redmond, WA from...

October 6, 2006 fun

I don’t know what this has to do with Vista…

I like it...

October 2, 2006 fun

Teaching Kids To Do Cool Computer Stuff?

My youngest son’s teacher found out I work at MS, so now he expects me to come into his class to teach them cool stuff. I’m happy to do that, but...

October 1, 2006 fun

Null Pointers Don’t Have To Be Dull Pointers

Posted without permission after reading it in today’s paper Sun 10/01/2006 3:01pm...

August 30, 2006 fun

USB MP3 Player + SD Card = Gadget-o-licious

USB SD/MMC MP3 Player + Card Reader + S/H: $18 Kingston 1GB miniSD Card + S/H: $19 (at the time) Being able to listen to Teenage Dirtbag on the same...

August 30, 2006 fun

Develop Games For Your Xbox 360

The Microsoft XNA Game Studio Express (Beta) is available for download: ″XNA Game Studio Express enables individuals and small teams to more easily...

August 28, 2006 fun

Wikipedia has an open enrollment day…

Don BoxJeffrey RichterRobert ScobleCharles PetzoldKeith Brownthe Chris Sells Wikipedia pagethis onethis onethis oneblogarticlestoolsthe interview...

August 27, 2006 fun

Fun Presentation

a great presentation on stuff that’s brokenhis sitePresentation ZenThe 10/20/30 Rule of PowerPointthe Startup Success 2006the Churchill Club web site...

August 23, 2006 fun

I listen to one podcast: HanselMinutes

Scott created his podcast with the idea of not wasting his listeners’ time and he’s done it. HanselMinutes is the only podcast I listen to. In fact,...

August 15, 2006 fun

Vista Song Parody from Ted + Carl!

you’ll want to hear them singing “Why Did Shipping Vista Turn Out to be so Hard”“...

July 14, 2006 fun

I’m on MySpace now

I’m on MySpace...

July 5, 2006 fun

Superman Returns: Boring

Superman Returns...

June 24, 2006 fun

Oh La La — Qtek 8500!

I got my Qtek 8500 today. The bad news was that I got the French version of the manual, but that wasn’t so bad, since I wasn’t going to read the...

June 22, 2006 fun

Free Portland Code Camp, 7/22-23

I’ve just registered for the Portland Code Camp 2.0, July 22-23. It’s a free conference that includes 26 developer sessions (so far), food, a party...

June 22, 2006 fun

My Qtek 8500 should be in my hands tomorrow!

The reviews have been largely positive (but not completely), and I’m very much looking forward to my new QTEK 8500 (aka the Star Trek [STRTrk?])....

May 30, 2006 fun

I wish I had time for this


May 12, 2006 fun

Code Monkey: The Song

Check out the Code Monkey mp3...

May 7, 2006 fun

There’s a Windows “Brat Pack?!?”

Not only does have a traffic ranking for (80,616 — this number sounds too high to be good : ), but there’s a web site...

March 15, 2006 fun

Ninja’s Need Love

a ninja answering letters about love...

March 10, 2006 fun


HereI love this idea! ″Exanimus is an online massively multiplayer game created in a world where the dead live and roam the earth eating the flesh...

March 9, 2006 fun

I’m *loving* the new images search has a new image search which does progressive showing of images, scaling of the group and individual photos in very cool ways, but the...

March 3, 2006 fun

Fabulous Half-Life 2 Comic

Here’s a tip — if you’ve got a deadline, don’t wander over to the Half-Life 2 comic “Concerned.” I’m a *huge* Half-Life and Half-Life 2 fan, so when...

January 29, 2006 fun

IT Crowd: Yesterday’s Jam

Yesterday’s Jam...

January 19, 2006 fun

Looking for an Xbox 360

I got my first hands on Xbox 360 demo today and I want one! Unfortunately, MS employees aren’t treated specially, i.e. there isn’t a big warehouse...

January 16, 2006 fun

My Son’s First Computer Program

Wonderful things happen when I tell me kids to stop playing video games and to stop watching TV (I try to limit them to an hour of each/day). I...

January 10, 2006 fun

The “Famous” Book Fight

So, I read Rory’s latest comic and laughed. A lot. However, I haven’t posted it because I figured anyone who’d be amused would’ve already seen it....

January 1, 2006 fun

A Quote With Which To Kick Off The Year

“Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.“–Redd Foxx Happy New Year...

December 29, 2005 fun

George Carlin’s Incomplete List of Impolite Words

DISCLAIMER: Obviously, this completely violates George Carlin’s copyright, but I purchased the $80 CD box set and it wasn’t on there, so I feel like...

November 26, 2005 fun

Wasting the Prince of Darkness

80% of the email I get about my Microsoft interview question site (which, 2.5 years into my MS career, nobody has yet forced me to take down) isn’t...

November 13, 2005 fun

Dilbert on Trial Redundancy

combining the criminal and civil trials into one“...

November 11, 2005 fun

Best Exam Answer Ever

This is how you tell the marketing guys from the engineers… : )...

November 11, 2005 fun

Best Exam Answer Ever

Private email forwarded by Adam Denning...

November 11, 2005 fun


Because Michael Weinhardt has ported it to Windows Forms 2.0 and ClickOnce, now Wahoo2! is available on your Start menu whether you’re connected to...

October 26, 2005 fun

I’m all ready for 9th grade

You Passed 8th Grade Math Congratulations, you got 9/10 correct! Could You Pass 8th Grade Math...

October 22, 2005 fun

Samwise Gamgee was the ultimate Program Manager


October 21, 2005 fun

@ MS, We Share Your Pain

new feature in Vista that allows MS developers to feel your pain...

October 20, 2005 fun

I’m the “with” @ the Redmond P&P Summit

Sure, sure, Alan Cooper and Anders Hejlsberg are keynoting, but I’m the “with” at this year’s Redmond, WA Patterns & Practices Summit 12/13 - 12/15....

October 20, 2005 fun

Top 10 List of Top 10 Lists

I decided to go a little meta for this year’s XML DevCon: 10. Top 10 List of Top 10 List of Top 10 List Ideas (a little too meta) 9. Top 10 Reasons...

October 18, 2005 fun

Retaking the holy land

http://grouphug.usthis is my favorite...

October 14, 2005 fun

Quote of the day

“More and more people I know know more and more people I know.” –Melissa Sells...

October 13, 2005 fun

His Outsourced Life

HereAn Esquire magazine author hires not one but two Indian assistants and outsources practically everything but watching TV to them. By the end of...

October 10, 2005 fun

It’s a Windows Life

A story about how the world would be if MS never existed. I come from a world where I had a Mac at home and a Unix box at work, giving me the best...

October 10, 2005 fun

Shepherd Book Wasn’t Always A Shepherd

the 12th precinct in Los AngelesHarris turns a low-budget pornography investigation into a major motion picture...

September 30, 2005 fun

Looking forward to “Serenity”

IMDB: “8.4/10” Oregonian: “A-” Wired News: “And it’s those human elements — the undeniable chemistry between the crew, the tense standoffs between...

September 29, 2005 fun

Light Sabers You Can Actually Battle With?

These light sabers look very cool...

September 15, 2005 fun

Double Wow

The new Nintendo control...

August 29, 2005 fun

MS Interns Out of Sync (Video)

You have to love a bunch of geeks willing to publish a video of themselves doing a parody of an N’Sync song, including the dance moves. Nice! [via...

August 26, 2005 fun

Avalon + Indigo = Magic @ the PDC

Doug and I will be giving the following talk at the PDC this year: “Are you tired of lackluster user interfaces and bit-dropping communication...

August 24, 2005 fun

PND For You And Me

Between the new job, the new house and the book, I haven’t had nearly enough contact with my local nerd friends. I’m starting to experience nerd...

August 5, 2005 fun

Fight Club Rules 9-16

Fight Clubthe rest of the Fight Club rules...

August 5, 2005 fun

I Love Arguing with Ian

HereIan and I submitted the final manuscript for Programming Avalon, Beta Edition, on July 13th (right on time, I’ll point out). Since then, the...

July 20, 2005 fun

Have Sex With Prostitutes at the PDC

the 2nd episode of the Channel 9 guy’s trip across country to the PDC“...

July 17, 2005 fun

I don’t know who has time for this stuff @ work…

but it’s fun anyway… [Scoble]...

July 6, 2005 fun

Old Man’s War

the author’s web site...

July 5, 2005 fun

Taking a break from writing on Saturday to see FF

Rich is tired of me blowing off the local nerd events, so he set up something he knows I can’t stay away from: an afternoon showing of Fantastic...

June 27, 2005 fun

The scientists never survive this kind of thing…

I can’t believe nobody* blogged about this today! Isn’t this the beginning of most sci-fi horror movies?!? By the end of the movie, all of the...

June 21, 2005 fun

On the road to the PDC via Twin Peaks

The channel 9 guy starts on the road to the PDC. Random fun (1 of 3)...

June 16, 2005 fun

The logicial conclusion of spam

This one made me laugh out loud...

June 13, 2005 fun

Me and the Star Wars Gang

The boys and I went to ROTS on the 2nd night and our local theater had some auspicious guests that I made stand around while my son took the picture...

June 7, 2005 fun

Q: What is “funding the clubbing of baby seals?”

A: The reason I gave for wanting to cancel an extra credit card. I bet they don’t have that reason in their script! : )...

June 3, 2005 fun

IanG Interview on ServerSide.NET

See IanG, my Avalon book co-author in crime, talk with Ted Neward about WinForms, Avalon and .NET. Nicely done...

May 28, 2005 fun

Darth Vader vs. Yoda?

I just realized: Lucas took us through the entire 6 film series and we never got to see Yoda fight with Darth Vader! What’s with that?!? P.S. I like...

May 27, 2005 fun

Studs from Microsoft

I have no idea where the “Studs from Microsoft” video came from or how old it is and I had to download it first before playing it, but it was...

May 26, 2005 fun

I am a Gauntlet Adventurer

I strive to improve my living conditions by hoarding gold, food, and sometimes keys and potions. I love adventure...

May 25, 2005 fun

XBox 360 Game Videos

MTVwhat it’ll really be about...

May 24, 2005 fun

Cat Swimmer

I was searching with the boys this morning and found this: I just thought I’d share. : )...

May 23, 2005 fun

Episode III: ROTS doesn’t suck and other opinions

My sons and I (and my 11-year old boy’s “date!!!“) all enjoyed Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. I know it didn’t have much in the way of...

May 2, 2005 fun

Only Annual Time Traveler’s Convention

Here I can’t attend this year myself, but I’m definitely planning to go to this one and only convention some time in the future (I love that...

April 26, 2005 fun

Anyone Want To Join Us For Hitchhiker on Friday?

The brothers Sells and I will be attending the 7:35pm showing of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy on Friday at the Evergreen theater at highway...

April 13, 2005 fun

Rory + Scott’s TechEd Video #4

the ending is totally worth it...

April 13, 2005 fun

Worth giving up the Omega Speedmaster for…

HereOK, the Omega Speedster is cool (very cool), but it doesn’t compare to this masterpiece: Of course, I’d want the platinum model, but at...

April 10, 2005 fun

Hitchhiker’s Guide Is Likely to Suck

It may be that this review, saying how terrible the Hitchhiker’s Guide move is, is actually funnier than the movie itself. He starts here: “The...

April 2, 2005 fun

Making XML More Aerodynamic

a means of increasing XML performanceXML...

April 1, 2005 fun

Visual Studio 2005 Linux Edition

“I first heard about it at a Seattle area Starbucks. I mean, I was just like sitting there drinking my Venti no-whip triple shot soy latte and I...

April 1, 2005 fun

Viva la IDL!

I’m sure you’ve heard the uproar about “saving VB6” by now. Since I’m not a member of the VB programmer community, I don’t feel qualified to judge...

March 30, 2005 fun

Another Laugh Out Loud TechEd Video

Scott and Rory do it again...

March 29, 2005 fun

Betsy’s Got Them GotDotNet Blues

Betsy Aoki, the matriarch of GotDotNet, sings a song of GDN Blues. And not only did she write and sing the song (with a surprisingly good voice for...

March 18, 2005 fun

Who knew the Brits were so randy?


March 16, 2005 fun

Laugh Out Loud Funny: TechEd Video #2

OKA love story“Revenge of the Sith“...

March 15, 2005 fun

Lego Star Wars Video Game: Hilarious Fun

HereThe PC demo is available and I’ll pre-order the XBOX version as soon as that feature is enabled on the site. This game is hilarious, has great...

March 2, 2005 fun

Super Friends + Office Space == Hilarity

What could possibly be better than a snippet of the old Super Friends cartoon with dialog from the movie Office Space? Life is good. : ) [via Shawn...

March 1, 2005 fun

Tom’s a Big Thinktecture Fan

Here I don’t know how Tom ended up with this shirt…...

March 1, 2005 fun

Tom’s a Big Thinktecture Fan

My #2 son, Tom, is apparently on the road to independent consulting… Mama’s, don’t let your babies grow up to be computer boys… P.S. I do not...

February 11, 2005 fun

Project Manager Leavers Suicide PPT Presentation

HereScott Hanselman IM’d me this Onion piece and I just had to share it. I don’t want to spoil it with quotes; just read it and tell me if you don’t...

February 8, 2005 fun

Trying To Be As Cool As Star Trek


February 8, 2005 fun

Trying To Be As Cool As Star Trek

On the left, you see Lt. Uhura with her wireless Bluetooth headset (although I’m not sure of the made and model). On the right, you see me with...

February 5, 2005 fun

Chris Sells Is Merely an Alter-Ego


February 5, 2005 fun

Chris Sells Is Merely an Alter-Ego

To avoid intimidating people, I generally don’t wear the tight shirts in public, but Dax Pandhi captures my hidden muscles perfectly! : ) Dax...

January 27, 2005 fun

SolFX: Much Improved Performance

updated SolFX...

January 27, 2005 fun

Schools Ban Camera Phones Amid ‘Happy Slapping’ Craze

”Head teachers have banned children from using video phones to stop them slapping other pupils in the face and recording the attacks on their...

January 23, 2005 fun

Jason Olson’s Microsoft Interview Advice

some words of advice for folks about to interview for the first time...

January 6, 2005 fun

Welcome to SolFx

If you’ve got .NET 2.0 and the Nov. ’04 Avalon CTP, click here to play my scaling, vector-based, WinFX version of Solitaire. Features include...

December 19, 2004 fun

A Limerick in Rory’s Honor

In honor of Rory Blyth’s birthday, Jim Blizzard has posted a Haiku. I’m not so cultured as Jim, as I could only manage a limerick: There once was a...

December 3, 2004 fun

Pleasantly Undetectable Advertising

home page movie short, “Tooth Fairy,”...

November 2, 2004 fun

There Are No Words…

HereThis is what Don Box’s 12-year old son thought a good last minute costume would be when trick-or-treating the Indigo halls of Microsoft suddenly...

November 2, 2004 fun

There Are No Words…

This is what Don Box’s 12-year old son thought a good last minute costume would be when trick-or-treating the Indigo halls of Microsoft suddenly...

October 25, 2004 fun

The Downside of Smart Children

It started off innocently enough. I corrected Tom when he tried to put down words like “pils,” “Rome” and “trool,” even giving him a letter or two...

October 9, 2004 fun

Vermin King With Mutant Arm

(I couldn’t possibly explain. Click the picture…) Rory Blyth Saturday, October 09, 2004 12:50 AM

October 4, 2004 fun

Brian Kernighan on Debugging

I saw this in an email from John Mason in PSS today: “Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write...

September 30, 2004 fun

The GLAT: I couldn’t resist

the test...

September 25, 2004 fun

Clean Sweep @ Casa de Sells

Selling the books and comics you’ll never read again: $1479 Conducting *2* garage sales and selling the play structure the boys don’t frequent...

September 23, 2004 fun

Your distinct personality: The Black Knight

According to this survey, my personality type is The Black Knight: “Your distinct personality, The Black Knight, might be found in most of the...

September 18, 2004 fun

Go See Shaun Of The Dead

Shaun of the Dead...

September 12, 2004 fun

Chris and Melissa Go To Burning Man

Here Click here for the full story...

September 12, 2004 fun

Chris and Melissa Go To Burning Man

[ed: all pictures clickable. b/w pictures used without permission.] “Welcome Home,” was the first thing my wife and I heard when we pulled into the...

August 30, 2004 fun

The One With The Man That Burns

Burning Man...

August 25, 2004 fun

Enjoyed Listening to Charles Petzold on .NET Rocks

I really enjoyed listening to Charles Petzold on the most recent episode of .NET Rocks. It was wonderful to hear about an entire part of Windows...

August 24, 2004 fun

Here’s A Side Of The Olympic I Hadn’t Heard Before

“At the Albertville winter Olympics, condom machines in the athletes’ village had to be refilled every two hours. And in Sydney the organisers’...

August 21, 2004 fun

“You will have gold pieces by the bushel.”


August 20, 2004 fun

Some of the MS Interview Process Filmed

filmed some of the interview processHRMSa wealth of wonderful MS interviewing tips...

August 20, 2004 fun

Wife Objects To Midget Above The Fridge

HereThis is what happens when night shifts happen to good nurses...

August 20, 2004 fun

Wife Objects To Midget Above The Fridge

I’ve spent the last 8 months driving me wife to get rid of a ton of her stuff so that we could use more than the front 2 inches of every drawer,...

August 19, 2004 fun

Hog Pile on Rory

Rory has posted his MSDN speaking schedule. I’m already signed up for the Portland, OR talk on August 26. I can’t wait to hear Rory regale us with...

August 12, 2004 fun

I’m With David: Doom 3 Ain’t All That

soDavid’s right...

August 9, 2004 fun

It’s Best To Ignore Rory on IM

If you ignore Rory on IM, you get fun stuff like this: Rory [Shut up] says: Hey - are you really away, or are you faking it so that people like...

July 28, 2004 fun

OSCON Geeks @ the Portand Nerd Dinner Tonight

the O’Reilly’s Open Source Conventionthe Portland Nerd Dinner tonight...

July 27, 2004 fun

Crappy Carl’s Crappy Contest

HereCrappy Carl is giving away a crappy top-of-the-line Tablet PC to anyone that crappy fills in his crappy survey (and they don’t even have to...

July 26, 2004 fun

Bringing “the letter” to Wednesday’s PND

“Wednesday’s PND...

July 24, 2004 fun

What Kinds of Cars Do Microsofties Drive?

Brad Smith writes: “I just found your site. I love it!!! It is now a regular read for me. “I read ‘The Human Side of Microsoft’ post on your site...

July 22, 2004 fun

Microsoft runs out of things to buy

Microsoft stunned investors yesterday with the announcement that they were distributing 75 billion in cash because they had run out of things to...

July 22, 2004 fun

DM Karma

Ah, the bittersweet memories: “Maybe you have heard some of the stories about the [DevelopMentor] Brains? Brian Randell delivered a VSLive...

July 20, 2004 fun

Microsoft Interview Questions for Testers

a whole set of questions he was asked for an SDE/T (Software Design Engineer in Test) position at MicrosoftMAKE...

July 19, 2004 fun

Channel9 Tours MSR H/W and Social S/W Labs

the Channel9 tour of the Microsoft Research hardware and social software labsMS...

July 9, 2004 fun

Matt Pietrek, My Hero, Starts A Blog

When I was but a wee Windows lad, my heroes were Charles Petzold and Matt Pietrek. I learned Windows 3.1 programming from Petzold (along with...

June 30, 2004 fun

“If I Could Thunk Once A Day, I’d Be Happy”

32-bit to 16-bit thunking is discussed...

June 27, 2004 fun

Feature Leaked From VS05 Beta 1

the big feature...

June 26, 2004 fun

A Man, A Plan, A Canal, A Librarian!

HereThe one where I write two computer programs, neither of which do as well as the two librarians they’re up against (damn librarians…)...

June 26, 2004 fun

The Right Level Of Community Involvement

Earlier this week, BradA asked the community for feedback on the guys that work for him (it’s review season again at Microsoft). Adam had this to...

June 24, 2004 fun

Swag for the June 29 Portland Nerd Dinner

I was doing my periodic t-shirt down-sizing and have gathered a couple dozen t-shirts that I thought I’d donate to my local geeks instead of to my...

June 17, 2004 fun

Whoa. I’m A Banner Ad.

Microsoft-Watchthis one...

June 15, 2004 fun

“he isn’t null terminated!” Bwa ha ha ha!

this one...

June 14, 2004 fun

Geek Milkshake

Herethe video possibilities...

June 14, 2004 fun

Geek Milkshake

sttto Milkshake by Kelis My web log brings all the nerds to the yard, and I’m like: “mine’s better than yours”. Damn right, it’s better than yours!...

June 5, 2004 fun

I Knew I Had “Circus Freak” In My Blood!

Sellsville… The old Sells Mansion… The Sells Brothers’s love of elephants… All this and more in an article from The Short North Gazette in Columbus,...

June 3, 2004 fun

This Is The Problem With Fame In The IT Industry

ITit’s a dude...

June 1, 2004 fun

Finally, A Use For Orkut!


May 28, 2004 fun

Apparently .NET Is About Developer Love

COMCOM.NET which, apparently, is about developer loveCOBOL...

May 27, 2004 fun

Can The Movie Be As Good As This Trailer?

the link to the trailer for Commedianbit...

May 18, 2004 fun

6x The MSDN Fun at Tonight’s Portland Nerd Dinner

MSDNPortland Nerd Dinner’...

May 18, 2004 fun

Google’s #1 Sells

my friend Steveaccording to Google“...

May 15, 2004 fun

Lies, Hypocrisy and the ‘Friends’ Theme Song

As much as I love the Friends show for it’s portrayal of unconditional love (as a geek, people loving me no matter what I do is appealing), I have...

May 5, 2004 fun

Sells Brothers T-Shirts confer special powers

I got this email from Brian Jepson, one of my favorite DevCon speakers (he ran his PowerPoint slides by clicking on his cell phone!), and I just had...

May 3, 2004 fun

“Just think Chris Sells on my TV set!”

a good thing...

April 29, 2004 fun

Rory Sells His Ex’s Wedding Dress

Hereit sure reads like Rory...

April 19, 2004 fun

I Shall Wear My Grammar Godhood With Humility

You are a GRAMMAR GOD! If your mission in life is not already to preserve the English tongue, it should be.Congratulations and thank you!brought to...

April 18, 2004 fun

Chris’s Friends on the Web

If you’re looking for my wife, Melissa, her email address is Her email is pretty reliable now, so send...

March 19, 2004 fun

Today I Met A Lady Named “Friend”

Tracey Friend is an MS recruiter and she called to talk to me about some stuff I’m working on that could attract some fresh meat (and she also told...

March 7, 2004 fun

I Agree: This *Is* Brilliant

man’s (and woman’s) ability to solve problems...

March 5, 2004 fun

Introducing Chris “Flash” Sells

Don “XML” worked a little PhotoShop magic on a poster for a movie that I loved growing up (it was one of two record albums I had and I listened to...

February 26, 2004 fun

A Redundant Chris Sells

When I’m having fun with the Sells brothers, I like to tell them that I don’t have two boys, but rather one boy and one redundant backup in case one...

February 23, 2004 fun

50% Evil is Still 50% Good

According to the The Gematriculator, is 50% evil. Nothing about “genius” is mentioned… [via Ryan Farley]...

November 25, 2003 fun

Oh Lord, I’ve Been ASSified…


October 22, 2003 fun

The Cow Puncher Punchline


October 19, 2003 fun

Black Cube for “Chris Sells (Likeness)”


October 10, 2003 fun

Guerrilla Usability Group Strikes!


August 22, 2003 fun

A clickable button


July 15, 2003 fun

The Original ”.NET Redneck”

Eric Sink claims to be the ”.NET Redneck,” complete with cardboard cutout: Shawn Morrissey [shawnmor @] Taken at Gnomedex July 15th,...

July 13, 2003 fun

Fly Daddy Al

Alan Cooper’s 14-year old son rapping about his Dad. Marty Cooper [marty @] Stolen on 7/13/2003 from Alan’s USB hard drive when he...

July 10, 2003 fun

Top 10 XML Specifications Rejected by the W3C

10. WS-IrishSpring: for scented, more pleasing SOAP packets 9. WS-UPS: for sending SOAP packets in real envelopes 8. WS-USPS: for sending SOAP...

April 22, 2003 fun

“Software Legend” Silliness

Brad Abrams make Jeffrey Richter and me stand in front our of “software legend” stand-up cut outs yesterday so that he could take a picture. I’ve...

April 12, 2003 fun

The SellsBrothers Little League Team

Here’s the SellsBrothers Beaverton Area Little League team looking very serious. Notice the SellsBrothers logo on the hats. Having your own company...

March 4, 2003 fun

Grandpa’s Scalloped Corn

This is a recipe that I sent in for the O’Reilly title “Gastronomy for Geeks”. It was handed down to me by my grandfather at our cabin on the lake....

February 13, 2003 fun

What is Meant by “Marketing”?

People often ask what is meant by Marketing. Perhaps the following analogies will help clear it up: You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You go up to...

January 15, 2003 fun

What OS is Chris?

MEWhich OS are You...

November 15, 2002 fun


Stu Halloway, conference speaker, respected author of Component Development for the Java Platform as well as many 5-day short courses and CTO of...

October 25, 2002 fun

Doonesbury on Blogs

Starts on October 21st and runs for several days. Hits home...

October 10, 2002 fun

Top 10 Reasons You Know Youve Been Hacking Too Many Web Services…

You start using URIs to address real envelopes while paying the billsYou use XPath to refer to family membersYou can’t understand why nobody thinks...

September 15, 2002 fun

“Spend A Day With .NET” Winning Entries

Sorry it took so long to judge the entries, but I was overwhelmed. That’ll teach me to host an international, pan-galactic, cross-universe coding...

September 15, 2002 fun

“Spend A Day With .NET” Winning Entries

Sorry it took so long to judge the entries, but I was overwhelmed. That’ll teach me to host an international, pan-galactic, cross-universe coding...

August 25, 2002 fun

“Spend A Day With .NET” Coding Contest (with prizes and everything!)

Brad Abrams, Lead Program Manager on the Microsoft .NET Framework team, said something that inspired me the other day. He was being broadcast along...

July 30, 2002 fun

My Chris Sells Is A Centerfold!

sttto Centerfold by J. Geils Band ( Yes, he walks, yes, he talks!He’ll be your Code...

July 11, 2002 fun

The Last Advertising Frontier

My friend and fellow DevelopMentor instructor, Craig Andera, is not only enormously dedicated, but is very interested in pushing the envelope on...

May 22, 2002 fun

Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Computer Boy

sttto “Mamas Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys” by Willie Nelson Chorus:Mama don’t let your babies grow up to be computer boysDon’t let...

May 18, 2002 fun

Waka Waka Poem

First, the poem itself (there are many versions, this is just one): <> ! * ′ ′ #^ ” ` $ $ -! * = @ $ _% * <> ~ # 4& [ ] . . /| { , , system halted...

May 10, 2002 fun

C# vs. Java

Chandu ThotaFri 5/10/2002 10:31 AM...

February 8, 2002 fun

I Like Clocks

Here’s an industrious clock. Here’s a flocking clock. Here’s one using a browser-independent DOM to achieve Flash-like effects. Ron Neely sends...

February 2, 2002 fun

A Little Slice of Time

Chris SellsFeb 2, 2002 8:02pm...

January 15, 2002 fun

Welcome to Wahoo!

This page is dedicated to the game of Wahoo! – a .NET application meant to be invoked from a .NET client across the internet. If you’d like the...

January 15, 2002 fun

The Game of Wahoo!

If you like Tetris and you’ve got .NET installed, check out Wahoo...

December 31, 2001 fun

My Family Heritage

Grandma says that all US Sells are related from the original Sells that came across on the boat after the May Flower. My father pointed out that my...

December 29, 2001 fun

Elvish in the New Age

od oy dp,ryjomh ;olr yjodz[d. dpttu. gomhrtd pm yjr etpmh lrud//yo, Is that Elfish? I think it *is* elvish… let me put my laptop in the fire. Ah...

December 19, 2001 fun

1970s “wocka-wocka” porno guitar

Sung to “Shaft” by Isaac Hayes <> Who’s the man with tongue-in-cheekthat’s a code machine to all...

November 27, 2001 fun

I am not making this up…

A friend of mine stumbled over this in the Microsoft source code: That’s not quite my definition of robust, but oh well… Tue 11/27/2001 3:52 PM...

November 27, 2001 fun

.NET edition of Truckin’ (Grateful Dead)

“Steal this song right off my page.” You can find it at Use only in well ventilated area. Do not expose to open...

October 15, 2001 fun

The F-Key Diet

Made you look! (if you don’t know what I’m talking about, check here)...

October 7, 2001 fun

Bill’s Money

In a recent interview with Barbara Walters, Bill Gates was asked how he felt about Ted Turner’s one billion dollar...

August 15, 2001 fun


WARNING: Do not follow this link if you don’t want to see me naked...

August 15, 2001 fun

Don Gives a SOAP Talk

TechEd Barcellona, Spain 8/15/2001...

August 15, 2001 fun

Conference.NET Song Lyrics

Sung to “King of the Road” Platform for sale or rent who cares where all the others went no more pointer, pushes, pops or peaks I ain’t got no...

August 15, 2001 fun

This Picture Needs a Caption

Chris riding The Incredible Hulk roller coaster in FLA in 2000. Notice the “COM is Love” t-shirt. I really wanted to say something funny or...

August 15, 2001 fun

Mr. June, 2000

Nothing comes between me and my technology… All pictures courtesy of...

August 5, 2001 fun

Some MORE signs that you may be taking COM too seriously…

Your weekly beach volley ball matches are between teams named ‘Proxies’ and ‘Stubs’. You read ‘ATL Internals’ while waiting in line for the next...

July 15, 2001 fun

Can I still be evil?


June 18, 2001 fun


A programmer who coded in C decided he hated GC. “It’s bogus” he said, “I keep track in my head - and always remember to free!” Jason...

June 14, 2001 fun

The .NET

A parody of Eddy Poe’s “The Raven” Once upon a platform tired, while my code was stranded, mired in a pool of leaky pointers running up the...

June 1, 2001 fun

Why I Will Never Offer Don Box A Ride Again…

Read all about it… Rohit Khare Posted There: Fri, Aug 2, 1996 20:27:42 -0400...

April 15, 2001 fun

College Fun

I spoke at a college last week for a friend of mine who’s an adjunct professor (Cal Caldwell). During the talk, one of the male attendees bolted...

February 28, 2001 fun

College Fun

In Japan, it is said, the impersonal and sometimes unhelpful Microsoft error messages have been replaced with Japanese haiku poetry. Maybe in...

November 21, 2000 fun

a poem

Dear MFC::CString You were such a beautiful thing I miss you so much CComBSTR is painful to touch WTL may restore my churning (out string...

August 25, 2000 fun

These Days its only COM COM COM (Am I Crying)

There is no vacation when I am doing COM. Some go through very well, but stuck are some. I don’t go to parties, so I feel I am IUnknown. People...

August 8, 2000 fun

DM in the Wall Street Journal

Portland, OR, August 8, 2000 According to an article appearing in tomorrow’s Wall Street Journal, DevelopMentor has developed a new technology...

March 13, 2000 fun

Signs that you may be taking COM too seriously…

The family pet dies. The best explanation you can give the children is “Fluffy’s reference count finally reached zero.” You’ve mailed more than...

February 10, 2000 fun

ATL Borg

Jeff Smith Thu 2/10/2000 12:07 AM Private Mail...

January 20, 2000 fun

In defense of the VB Programmer

> ––-Original Message––- > From: Russ Huffman [mailto:russ@DEVAUTHORITY.COM] > Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 8:39 AM > To:...

December 1, 1999 fun

Abort, Retry, Ignore

Once upon a midnight dreary, fingers cramped and vision bleary, System manuals piled high and wasted paper on the floor, Longing for the warmth of...

October 25, 1999 fun


Built using online Lite-Brite. Jason Whittington Private DevelopMentor Mailing List...

July 30, 1999 fun

Computer synthesized song to liven up your day…

I just like the idea of a computer singing… If you’ve seen 2001, you’ll recognize the tune...

April 19, 1999 fun

Real Programmers…

Contributed by Liliya Yakupova: Tommy Riddle had this to say: “Actually, real programmers don’t need the enter key- they just type in 00001101.”...

April 16, 1999 fun

Signs that you have hired the wrong COM developer…

Keeps referring to interfaces as “Thingies”. Insists that migrating to NT5.0 is a bad idea because the going rate for a rental-threaded apartment is...

April 15, 1999 fun

The Official Guide to COM Culture

If the things on this page haven’t been enough for you, check out Mr. Bunny’s Guide to ActiveX...