June 12, 2003

Win a Free Seat at the Applied XML Dev. Conference

Here. Pick the new name for this feed and win a free seat at the Applied XML Developer’s Conference in greater Portland, OR, July 10-11. If you’re already registered (a good idea, since it’s filling fast), you can have a free seat for a friend or co-worker. Here’s the scoop: When I built this news feed, it was an attempt to build a Windows equivilent of SlashDot. Unfortunately, I’m not interested in keeping up on all the news in the Windows developer space and the few folks that have stepped up to post on this site are largely spammers (although not all of them, by any means). So, I’ll be moving this feed to be just stuff from me. The problem is, I don’t know what to call it. In addition to posting links to stuff I produce, e.g. tools, writings, editorial, etc., this blog (ok, I admit it : ) is really about the things that I find interesting and my personal insights, so I’ll want a name that reflects that. Also, I’m a big fan of puns, alliteration and double meanings (the logo has *three* meanings). If you suggest the best name by 8am PST, Friday, June 19th, you win a free seat (travel and hotel is still on you).