August 22, 2004 .net

Why Joe Likes XAML


Joe Marini is working with Longhorn, Avalon and XAML on a Microsoft product team and finds that he really loves XAML. This, in and off itself, is not surprising (I mean, that’s what we’re paying him for : ), but it’s interesting to hear the specifics.

One thing that Joe seems to love (and I can hardly blame him) is that data binding in Avalon is used to build the UI, not just show external data. He expounds on this in his wonderful Data Bound User Interfaces in XAML article.

Another thing that Joe loves is that a Avalon designer’s work is in the same format as what the designer needs and can be dropped right into an app w/o converting from bitmap mock-ups (Peter Stern and I are doing this).

You can read about the work that Joe has done with XAML and download his code samples on his web site’s tutorial section. Joe is definitely one to watch in the Longhorn/Avalon space.