images: +check out Some of them show directly in the browser (good). Some of them download (not good). At least one of them shows as text (bad). e.g. misc: +changes are taking a lot longer to propagate then they used to; it used to be seconds and now it’s minutes. +the display of tagged posts, e.g., shows a title “Entries tagged” but doesn’t say with what it’s tagged like it used to, e.g. “Entries tagged ‘tools’”. +links are showing (blue underlines or anything else) on +at the bottom of some (all?) of the pages, thereŐs a link with this text: "Subscribe to the RSS feed for 's blogÓ (notice the blank before the Ős). Where do I fill in the data to fill in that blank? 404s: -need to be able to see 404 errors and provide redirects to improve site over time +need to provide URL pattern rewriting, e.g. /posts/details/ => / the following URLs need to be forwarded: /news/showTopic.aspx?ixTopic= /permalink /posts/details/ => / /askthewonk => /writing/#qanda /colophon => /tagged/colophon /conference => /public/conference/index.htm /fun => /tagged/fun /interview => /tagged/interview /money => /tagged/money /tools => /tagged/tools /wahoo => /tagged/wahoo +/tinysells/{code} => various (depends on the code) +would like to be able to provide a custom 404 page +need to be able to optionally turn off auto-404 page and expose the 404 errors for tools to track (no need) Feature Requests: -Google AdSense App: easily enabled for sidewall ads -would like to have an app that shows social sharing features, e.g. share to Twitter, Facebook, G+, etc. -Twitter integration: integrate the blog posts and tweets into a single, unified feed -would like the option to have a title tacking onto the URL along with my permalink, e.g. http://134/the-title-goes-here -either link would work, i.e. just the permalink and the permalink + title -this is handy for SEO -this is handy for readers of just the URL sorting: +the sorting on the tagged pages is wrong (seemingly random), e.g. pages: +writing.html has "Page: yes" set, but is showing up as a blog post Markup processing on HTML files: +1995\Jan-01-Initial-Launch-12641.html (and everything else): article title doesn't line up along the top with the date of the article for default template (it's wrapping the initial HTML comment in a

) need to be able to put Blot metadata into comments for HTML files so that it remains valid HTML +1997\Jun-27-Welcome-to-MeowMoniker--12656.html: the embedded line endings are reflected in the output instead of being ignore as per HTML rules +2000\Aug-08-DM-in-the-Wall-Street--12628.html: random formatting because of the intermitten blank lines that I don't begin to understand +2001\Feb-16-Genghis-12427.html: the indents on the HTML is causing the HTML to be set as code like Markup instead of interpretted as HTML metadata: +Jun-27-Welcome-to-MeowMoniker--12656.html: I’ve specified the Date, Tags and Permalink metadata, but only the Date is used – the Tags and Permalink are ignored. Apps: +need to be able to provide custom disqus_url format to pull in existing Disqus comments +turning off the automatic caption from the image alt text doesn't actually stop the captions from showing Templates: +Essay template home page shows 31 (?) of the most recent posts, but provides no paging UI to get to previous posts chris TODO: -get a good template together -fix header (make the avatar against the left side of the title and nav text) +make search work +make sure lines of code don't wrap on +good code formatting +search on all of the pages +feed on all of the pages +no content on the entries page +header graphic +remove Next and Previous posts +remove Recent Entries on LHS +white background to go with graphics and code w/ hardcoded backgrounds +mobile friendly: -move to -make Google AdSense work -move videos to youtube (p2) -move tools to github (p2) +make continue to work! +build a better About page +check into github +fix double "llowed me to do" on end of +full site scan from Xenu Link Sleuth +move atompub images to pubic +check for hardcoded in the content +add a "Writing and Speaking" page +404: +404: +public/writing/askthewonk/* not showing up (problem with original content)